TV Discussion: Walking Dead writer's superhero comic INVINCIBLE animated Amazon Prime series UPDATE: March 26 2021!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I was JUST gonna post this...


But I do not think they can show that assault.
The may have to let that "incident" go.
All the controversy surrounding it back during its Comic Book days,
It would be impossible to approach that with an Animation perspective.
Especially nowadays.
No matter how "Adult Themes" this show can be.

All of that aside,
One of the BEST Entrances of a very VILE Character EVER!!!


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
The may have to let that "incident" go.
All the controversy surrounding it back during its Comic Book days,
It would be impossible to approach that with an Animation perspective.
Especially nowadays.
No matter how "Adult Themes" this show can be.


Which is kinda sad because with all this gender identity stuff...

For an assault on a male to be seen as "too much"? Is actually a very dismissive way to approach a very serious topic. I always respected Kirkman tackling that so well and seriously at the time. KNOWING the backlash he would get from all sides

I'm not smart enough to even suggest HOW YOU BEGIN to TRY to pull that off.

I mean you COULD.

more about power dynamics, alien culture, abuse, lack of control, gender identity, gender politics, social norms...

I mean you COULD... maybe.

Cause I guess The Boys would risk it especially Gen V now it's very possible.

So maybe you do it differently. Mark intially says YES. Then changes his mind and says NO? And in his father's culture such a thing doesn't exist? And someone witnesses it? So the shame and secret is even worse because of the threat of the reveal?

Forget it... I'm happy I don't have to make that decision.

I trust then though


Rising Star
Platinum Member
let her stay all the way from this project
dont need it to be canceled cause of her

Bitch opens her mouth and a thousand simultaneous cancellations happen.
As soon as she starts speaking in Trumptardian, the whole damn project would be a dumpster fire.
I think she is built for the part, though.
I like the Morena Baccarin idea, too.
Sasha Calle would kinda work if she were older.
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Bitch open's her mouth and a thousand simultaneous cancellations happen.
As soon as she starts speaking in Trumptardian, the whole damn project would be a dumpster fire.
I think she is built for the part, though.
I like the Morena Baccarin idea, too.
Sasha Calle would kinda work if she were older.

Nice one


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Another idea...and she won't do it but it wouldn't be the worst choice is

She is now an activist, a feminist and probably wouldn't portray a female rapist because she probably believes that its not possible for a woman to rape a man. On top of that, who knows how long the Mouse has her on lock for.
BUT...I think she could pull it off,although the whytes would flip out about race swapping.
Rosario definitely has the titties for it.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

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