Stop with the strawman shit. The fact is Christians do NOT do that shit.
Lies and damn lies.
In this so called "Christian" nation, which it is not, we kill each other for money, sex, and all kinds of reasons. That does point to a failing in Christianity or a failing of Man? Is there a Muslim nation with a higher murder rate than the US, a supposedly Christian nation (I've already said we're not but I know some of you think we are)? So that must be Christianity's fault by your definition.
Go ask Dr George Tiller what Christians do in the name of their God.
People can be evil and they blame their evil on convenient scapegoats. If Islam is so wicked, why don't they behead and stone women in Turkey but they do in Saudi Arabia?
I don't make strawman arguments. I make sound, logical arguments that are hard to refute so they get dodged.
The fact that you haven't spoken on the Aslan vid is remarkable. Do you want to learn something or not?