TV News: Roy Wood Jr. Quits ‘Daily Show’ After Losing Out on Host Gig (Comedy Central do him wrong?) UPDATE: NEW CNN SHOW - Have I Got News for You


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

they f8cked up royal just give it to Roy

Cause NOW?

they got a spotlight they THINK they want...but they do not cause unless that person is FIRE?

They will constantly be compared to not only all the previous hosts but to ROY.

and that is unfair to the new host whoever that is.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

I predicted this.

in the end good for parties. The producers got a huge get of jail free card. And so did Jon because he was having a tough time finding his voice outside the Daily Show.

Roy Woods>>>>>>>
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I disagree.

The daily show is a 22 minute version of SNL's weekend update. You get a spot, open some doors, and walk through them when you're ready.

Saying The daily show did Roy wrong is like saying In Living Color did Jim Carrey wrong by not letting him star in every skit.

That example does not fit what we discussing. Or makes the point I think your trying to make

I posted a recent interview with Roy discussing the situation with Pablo that I believe is a fair assessment.