TV News: The Penguin series coming to HBO Max (a ‘Scarface-Like’ Origin Story) Updates: New Cast additions


Rising Star
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Rising Star
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@ViCiouS @largebillsonlyplease


What do you think of Marc point about fat people/actors via the Penguin?

its an obvious point cause Hollywood is unchanged - only fat black women are safe there
they make every slightly thick to fat white girl drop weight
shit even Chris Pratt couldn't break into A-list until he slimmed down

on another note - I watched Penguin ep1

a few times during the ep it felt like I was watching a fake movie / tv clip they would do for Entourage -
you know how they would have great character actors pop up as guests doing scenes with out context

cool pilot - way better writing than the Batman movie - not sure they can sustain the quality