TV Show Discussion: The Boys by Garth Ennis on Amazon Prime (Fonz Approved!) Update: Season 5 FINAL SEASON!


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
But it was unbeknownst to the general pubic. Stormfront made sure that nobody survived seeing her do racist shit. She took out a whole floor or two of a building to cover her tracks over the incident with Kiimiko's brother. She was still a Vought media property and public image was key to her success. Still, it was kind of a weak motivational point.

I really felt like it was more of an homage to Quentin Tarantino's "Death Proof"

The first point i was making was more about society as a whole and less show specific

Great pull I agree and think both were in there

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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
You never know what the fuck is gonna set him off.

Also as a New Yorker the last scene with him has me all fucked up. Too many tall buildings here and some dummy gonna try it.


So much sh*t from the comics

Kripke and his crew ability to take the best parts and flip them appropriately is amazing.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I was not expecting that character to be popping heads.

Yo I do NOT really get SURPRISED anymore on these shows..

I legit yelled at the screen!

Now I gotta REWATCH to see if there were ANY CLUES at ALL.


I guarantee AOC WISHES she had that power in real life!


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Yo I do NOT really get SURPRISED anymore on these shows..

I legit yelled at the screen!

Now I gotta REWATCH to see if there were ANY CLUES at ALL.


I guarantee AOC WISHES she had that power in real life!

I didn't realize how much they based it on her until I saw in her office that she represents Queens. That's taking it a huge extra step.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Can we get a translation on the german stormfront was speaking

The Boys: What Stormfront Says In German In The Season 2 Finale
One of the battles of The Boys season 2 finale leaves a dazed Stormfront speaking German, leaving many wondering just what she was saying.

Warning: The following contains SPOILERS for The Boys season 2 finale.

One aspect of The Boys season 2 finale left many fans confused; the final words Stormfront spoke in German during her final scene in the episode. The superpowered Nazi lapsed into her native tongue, delivering dialogue that was largely incomprehensible to those viewers that did not possess incredibly sharp hearing and understand German.

One of the more shocking revelations of The Boys season 2 was that Stormfront, a popular young heroine recently recruited to The Seven, was not what she seemed to be on multiple levels. The team discovered early on in season 2 that Stromfront was a racist, who went out of her way to kill innocent non-white civilians while chasing down an alleged supervillain terrorist. Later, the team learned that she was also incredibly long-lived, having once fought crime under the codename Liberty several decades earlier. She was ultimately revealed to be older still, having been married to Dr. Frederick Vought; the Nazi scientist who created the Compound-V formula that gives people superpowers.

The Boys' season 2 finale found the team facing off against Stormfront, during an attempt to save Becca Butcher's son, Ryan, from the cabin where he was being kept by Stormfront and Homelander. The confrontation ultimately ended with the two superheroes separated and Stormfront dazed and confused, barely able to speak and muttering to herself in German. She became somewhat more animated when Homelander found her but was still speaking in largely unintelligible German, with one phrase, "Schatten eines Apfelbaum" or "shade of an apple tree" being repeated twice.

Reddit user Raidoton helpfully transcribed and translated the full text of Stormfront's dialogue, revealing that Stormfront was recalling a beautiful moment with her husband and daughter, as they sat in the shade of an apple tree. When Homelander arrived, she apparently saw him as her husband and said, "Do you remember the day Frederick? Chloe's arms out of the car window. We found the perfect spot by the river, in the shade of an apple tree. It was the first time Chloe ate fresh apples." Later, she muttered to herself, "It was so wonderful. I wanted it to never end." It might have been a sweet, sad moment, if you ignored that the memory was coming from a woman trying to start a race war with an army of superhuman soldiers.

There is another point worth noting regarding that the phrase "shade of an apple tree," which stands out in Stormfront's dialogue. "In The Shade of the Old Apple Tree" was the title of a popular love song written in 1905, co-written by German-American composer Egbert Van Alstyne. However, the song is mostly remembered today as a standard of African American jazz musicians like Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong; something sure to annoy a long-lived Nazi. While this may be a coincidence, it would not be the most obscure reference that The Boys has dropped and it would serve as an interesting counterpoint to Hughie Campbell's obsession with Billy Joel.



Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Yooooo when Homelander walked in the house and said to the special ops team......Did I hear you say Butcher??

Man they were FUCKED.

did you see his eyes?

that was a great example of just PHYSICAL acting

you FELT the tension in the room just by his posture camera angles sight lines and breathing and facial expressions.



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Man he is so good as Homelander.

The kid might end up his redemption

I'm trying to tell the brothers on here

there is SO MUCH of Supernatural in the Boys DNA

I CANNOT WAIT till Dean and Dad join

like I said I am legit PISSED Sam got his own show.

those THREE together on here?

I do NOT care who they make them as it pertains to the comics

Just having THAT dynamic with the EXISTING cast?

Woo boy!!!!!
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
Yo I do NOT really get SURPRISED anymore on these shows..

I legit yelled at the screen!

Now I gotta REWATCH to see if there were ANY CLUES at ALL.


I guarantee AOC WISHES she had that power in real life!
There are clues for sure. Notice that there is a lot of tv watching in this show? I'll leave it at that.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Follow Stan Edgar. That's all I'll say.
Plus, the Homelander scene in the other episode.

The Boys Season 2 Finale: Even The Actor Didn't Know That Twist Was Coming
The Boys' Season 2 finale answered a big question in an unexpected way.
By Michael Rougeau on October 9, 2020 at 11:12AM PDT
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If you, like us, spent your time with The Boys Season 2 over the past two months wondering and theorizing about who was popping people's heads like bubble gum, you were probably happy to finally get an answer at the very end of the Season 2 finale, Episode 8, "What I Know." That said, you may not have been thrilled about what that answer actually was.
Warning: This article contains massive spoilers for The Boys Season 2. You've been warned.

As Congresswoman Victoria Neuman's presence grew throughout The Boys Season 2, it became more and more clear that the anti-Vought politician would have a large role to play. Her resemblance to real-life progressive congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) helped endear her to viewers whose politics align with the show's progressive stance, and by the end, many fans no doubt found themselves clinging to Neuman as the last hope to curtail Vought's power going forward. Unfortunately, as the finale's final scenes revealed, Neuman has actually been working for Vought all along. Not only is she a supe herself, but she's been responsible for the head-exploding murders throughout Season 2, from CIA Deputy Director Raynor in the Season 2 premiere to the bloodbath at the hearing in Episode 7.

Hats off to you if you saw this coming, because we absolutely did not. Despite knowing that the comics version of the character--Victor Neuman, or Vic the Veep--was in Vought's pocket, it seemed like the show was simply using the name while taking the character in a completely different direction. Unfortunately for The Boys--and for viewers who hoped Congresswoman Neuman would be a force for good--her entire arc this season turned out to be one giant misdirect. So naturally, we jumped at the chance to speak with Claudia Doumit, the actress who plays Congresswoman Neuman, about the character's trajectory.

Right off the bat, we learned that even Doumit didn't know her character would turn out to be evil, until it came time to shoot one pivotal scene.
"I remember, I'd run into [showrunner Eric Kripke] on occasion on set, he'd be passing to go somewhere else, and he would just say to me, 'Big stuff for Neuman, very exciting! We've got some big stuff coming!' I'd have no idea what he was talking about. And I'd get the script for the next episode. And she's like, at a rally. I was like, 'Yeah, this is exciting, I guess!'...It was just so confusing how excited the writers were and everyone was for this character, because in comparison, there are scenes where way more intense s*** is happening in the season with [other] characters. But then I got the script for Episode 7."

Doumit realized that Neuman was the head-exploder when she reached the hearing scene. That's one of the reasons this twist was so hard to predict: Up until that moment, even the actor hadn't known that Neuman was a villain. She played the character completely straight, without even subconscious hints at her true nature.

Doumit recalled that Kripke had told her to think of Neuman as "just a person" in this over-the-top world of supes and villains (who are usually one and the same). "I remember he said to me--which is hilarious--he was like, 'People with power don't have to
show that they have power. They just have it.'" Kripke told her to think of Neuman like a "very well known celebrity"--someone who effortlessly exudes power and influence without appearing like they're showing off, like George Clooney.

Even in the murky trenches of YouTube comments and Reddit threads, few Boys fans guessed that Neuman was the culprit. Doumit said there actually are hints throughout the season, but they're nebulous and few. One example she gave is more of a wink and a nudge in hindsight: In the Season 2 premiere, shortly after Raynor is assassinated, Neuman's appearance on a news show serves as a scene transition, connecting the character with the act, albeit subtly to the point that it serves as more of a retrospective "a-ha" than an actual clue.

The biggest hint came from the end of Episode 7, during the carnage at the hearing. Those who re-watch that scene with the knowledge we have now will find that Neuman, though acting perfectly shocked, looks directly at several victims the moment before their heads erupt. When Mallory begins pulling her out of the room, nobody dies for a second or two, until Neuman glances back at her campaign manager, who promptly pops. It's a marvelous ballet of masterful choreography, acting, and editing that makes it completely clear what's going on, but only once you know what to look for.

"So there are kind of Easter eggs in there, but it's very subtle," Doumit said. "I think it's good. I think that's how they should do it. You should not expect her."