Twerking while drowning


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I wonder how many brothas on the board can swim

I can swim. Pops couldn't. Made sure my brothers and I could swim well. My kids can swim. Nothing more relaxing then taking a nice swim and not worrying and them drowning.

Pops still can't swim. He's the only one we have to watch out for!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nah, when you're drowning, you can't yell for help.
If your head is above the water, you can do something other than just drown around 10 other adults. C'mon..... I think her pride was telling her she could make it to the wall.


BGOL Legend
I've been swimming since kindergarten.

We had a giant, 5 foot, above ground

pool that took up almost the whole

width of our backyard (50 feet)

... man, those were fun, simple days. :cool:


Rising Star
I keep telling myself I’m going to go back and take more lessons to become a better swimmer learn more strokes just can’t find the time.

My oldest can swim like me well enough to save himself but his ass wants to do shit I would never do like jump off the diving board.

My youngest is taking lessons now he will probably be the one to use swimming to take him places. What I like about where he is taking his lessons this summer is all the instructors are black except for one.

A lot of my fake cousins basically kids if my parents friends learned to swim from that man the movie pride is based off of. Worked out for a lot of them because they earned scholarships to college


Rising Star
If your head is above the water, you can do something other than just drown around 10 other adults. C'mon..... I think her pride was telling her she could make it to the wall.
You know I was telling my youngest when I was driving him to his first lesson most people don’t drown because they can’t swim they drown because they panic. Your body will naturally float as long as panic don’t set in


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Swim like a fish. My oldest son swims and dives. My youngest is taking lessons at the Y, his ass hates water period.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The god race has superior bones that sink in water which is why we need a lot of energy to stay afloat

Caucazoids got hollow weak bones...they just float...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
how she drowning and staying in time with the dance and music...:roflmao2::roflmao2::roflmao2: when they turned she turned...:roflmao2::roflmao2::roflmao2:

shit reminded me of this...




Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Swimming since 12 -13. Apartment complex grew up in had a pool stayed in the deep end and became a got damn fish under water. Son can swim,now in the process teaching 6 yr daughter.

Oh and swimming is great exercise. 10 laps Olympic size swimming pool couple times a week gets you right


The Legend
BGOL Investor
I knew how to swim when I was younger... I wouldn't feel comfortable trying after so long.. I would definitely have to start over I think

You don't forget if you could really swim. Now skating you forget. I can't skate for shit now.