Of course, I agree but one thing you're overlooking, she stripped ONE night. All the rest of them nights she watched Jess make 5k+? It's why I said duck tales.
She watching her friend make all that bread then tell her pimp all the money she made and Zola got nothin? Not going back to the club?
Duck Tales I say! Lol
...even if she was telling the truth..the red flag to the boyfriend would've been like "hoe who taught u backpage"..she mite not sold ass out there but she def sold some ass b4..and mix the numbers go 800 stripping + she got 500 for setting the page up..so that's 1300 the first full nite.. possibly was suppose to get a percentage off the backpage setup the next day..i think the story only takes place for 3 days..i cheated and heard the audio book instead ..not saying i disagree with u at all juss goin by whore logic that's suppose to be the bread breakdown...1300 first nite..kidnap story the second nite..back in detroit the next day