Two Mulatto Brothers Murdered by Another Lame Mulatto Rapper


Rising Star
Washington Blvd area used to be a wigger haven in the 90's. I used to take my foreign friends around certain corners to show them white people selling dope on certain corners, a small facet of the "america" that the deceptive media never shows. The real white ghetto.

We have those in Pittsburgh. South side carrick mount Washington area


Rising Star
That Indian reporter looked nice and she had some big ass titties.

Yeah it's sad to see niggas still on this street shit. I'm glad music is an outlet and I guess an alternative via use of time from doing dumb shit. The music seems to be an obvious reflection of their mentality, so they almost seem to write and rap their demise.

It would be dope if they could rap their way into some peace and prosperity.

The Untouchable GDFOLKS

Real Niggas Get Real Pussy
BGOL Investor
I hope this cracker bitch doesn't wonder why her two half-breeds ended up stanking in an abandoned house.


The Untouchable GDFOLKS

Real Niggas Get Real Pussy
BGOL Investor
The OP is basically saying dumb and ignorant shyt should only be done by dark skin ppl.

atleast that's how he seem to phrase it..

weird kats on here man.

Where the fuck did you any of that in this thread you bitch ass nigga? You must have a half-breed kid and felt some type of way about how I went in on mix breeds.

Damn. ^^^^ that Facebook pic. Kids didn't have much of a chance being raised around her.
Man these cracker bitch got her kids killed bra...she is ratchet as hell.
The 14 year old, and the 16 year old are both in the 8th grade?



She doesn't give a fuck. She's breeding these fake ass kids man and they going to grow up to be fake ass adults.....well shit if they make it to a adulthood. Almost have to feel bad for the kids. They don't even have a shot.
Where the fuck was/is CPS?

The Untouchable GDFOLKS

Real Niggas Get Real Pussy
BGOL Investor
And got bodied by another fake add insult to injury.
Real shit man.. I knew little lame ass wigger bitches like this bro.

They all were just mockeries of what they believed was acting "black" and to keep it real...that shit is racist in itself.

These little goof ass white bitches would get with some pussy ass drug dealer coon that gassed them up and brought them around the hood. Hell..they would even let the bitches toss the "nigga" word around,

Bitch would pop out some little half-breeds and teach them how to be "black" too while the father ran off for some other ratchet white pussy.

She doesn't give a fuck. She's breeding these fake ass kids man and they going to grow up to be fake ass adults.....well shit if they make it to a adulthood. Almost have to feel bad for the kids. They don't even have a shot.

Man look at this lame shit

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Real shit man.. I know little lame ass wigger bitches like this bro.

They all were just mockeries of what that thought was "black" and to keep it real...that shit is racist in itself.

These little goof ass white bitches would get with some pussy ass drug dealer nigga that gassed them up and brought them around the hood.

Bitch would pop out some little half-breeds and teach them how to be "black" too while the father ran off for some other ratchet white pussy.

Man look at this lame shit


SMH........she's doomed. CPS should take her from her mom.

and I do get offended when I see the white chics act over the top and act what they perceive to be "black". Shit is offensive as fuck. If you want to act "black" go act like Michelle Obama. The fuck you acting like a stereotype for?


Rising Star
SMH........she's doomed. CPS should take her from her mom.

and I do get offended when I see the white chics act over the top and act what they perceive to be "black". Shit is offensive as fuck. If you want to act "black" go act like Michelle Obama. The fuck you acting like a stereotype for?

You know why

Where the father in all of this?

Where you think?

The Untouchable GDFOLKS

Real Niggas Get Real Pussy
BGOL Investor
I do get offended when I see the white chics act over the top and act what they perceive to be "black". Shit is offensive as fuck. If you want to act "black" go act like Michelle Obama. The fuck acting like a stereotype for?

They act like that because it's in there fucking DNA to be racist.

Even when they think they are being down with us they choose the most fucked up, uneducated and Coonest ones to emulate.

I never was cool with a "wigger" bitch or dude cause I felt they were disrespecting me right in front of my face.

Anytime I ran into one of them they knew from the look on my face to not try to juice in with me.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I watched the news clip. I call Bullshit on that ratchet mom. You knew the guy was a piece of shit but you still let your kids hang out with him? A grown man?! My pop keep me away from people he knew weren't shit because the game doesn't change, just the players.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
So they was beat to death?

Who has another link

I want to read more about this

And what was he found not guilty for?