u know how i now Cardi might have some good pussy ...?


aka * My Name Is Not $lam *
Super Moderator


Rising Star
Might be the fact that she is Dominican (Crazy) and Trinidadian (Crazy). Problem knows....



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Exactly what I was gonna say...but I keep forgetting niggas on the board are waking up with Halle Berry next to them every morning.

She ain't pretty...but she ain't ugly. .I know the makeup artists do they job... without the makeup...I'm definitely afraid of what lies beneath...it's hard to find a naturally beautiful woman..out chea... brah


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Cardi seems like she's fun to be with..... pain in the ass but cool as shit....


Rising Star

I think before the fame cardi had low ass self esteem and got bent over frequently behind the bodegas of NY

I remember her waaaaay before the game and it always seem like she did goofy shit to hide her insecurities not trying to be dr Phil but I remember her even saying this shit in a interview a while ago. Now she got new teeth and a new body and way to much confidence

Ima still beat though she seem like a fun fuck
Oh but she gotta keep them street cone titties covered.....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think people forget she was a social media personality before the music...

And she don't take her self too serious...

She talking about sucking dick and balls one day then a week later she's Interviewing Bernie Sanders...

Crazy world... Lol
Exactly why I like her

She seems honest and loyal despite all the hood shit

I understand why she is disliked as well


Rising Star
BGOL Legend





Rising Star
In regards to the OP’s question....she made the guy who penned the greatest “don’t wife a stripper” song ever (Don’t want to be a freak no more) Wife up AND impregnate a stripper? Pussy must be like sunshine from heaven :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
