The point is that the religious reasons given to end abortion are not supported by scripture. Which tells me you did not read past the first sentence.
Actually, I did read it.
And I stand by my previous statement.
Scripture has been revised, altered, added to and detracted from over the centuries.
This is why there is a King James version of the bible. James took out what he didn't like.
One thing the church began to hate is the fact that MARY was indeed the object of worship for
many, many years. Men in the church retroactively decided that Jesus was actually the son of God,
AND the incarnation of God, and therefore the proper subject of worship. So nuns? Fuck nuns. After all,
they are only women, so sayeth the Church...
This behavior is a hallmark of patriarchy.
My point is this:
ANY philosophy that requires its adherents to abandon reason is ripe for perversion, and has dubious merits, moral or otherwise,at best.
Religion, by its very nature, requires one to abandon reason, even when this "absolute truth" is dramatically revised (remember black skin being the curse of Ham, at one point?). I believe the term commonly used is "faith".
How else would you explain the millions upon millions of Indigenous Peoples and Pan Africans who choose to practice the religion of those who committed genocide against them and enslaved them, respectively?
The very malleable nature of the "truth", as defined and redefined by the church, lends itself to the adoption and propagation of the belief that life begins at conception, as well as all the ludicrous stuff that said belief entails.
This is why the religious right was incorporated into the republican party. It is a useful tool to inspire, and DIRECT, zealotry
for one's own particular purpose. Their collective purpose? To put 6 religious nut jobs on the SCOTUS, which they have DONE.
You have lost your right to control your reproduction because of the influence of the Bible, one of the greatest tools of mind control ever devised. But that is only part of the larger plan.
The ultimate plan is control. And their plan is, unfortunately, progressing at an alarming pace.
How else would you explain the millions upon millions of Indigenous Peoples and Pan Africans who choose to practice the religion of those who committed genocide against them and enslaved them, respectively?
Just askin'.