U.S. Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe vs. Wade


The Legend
BGOL Investor
Women and men need to make better choices. Why should the unborn have to suffer?

Most Democrats had zero issue telling everyone what to do with their bodies when it came to COVID-19. Millions of people where give little choice to take experimental drugs.

Catching a virus isnt a death sentence. Abortion is.

You have no idea what you're talking about. You got just about everything wrong.


Rising Star
I have been saying that asshole is a republican operative. This is not hyperbole.
It's very simple if you don't believe in abortion don't get them but stop forcing that shit on others. I do feel people should be more responsible but these crazy conservatives try to ban the morning after pill and won't teach sex ed they are interested in curving abortions.

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Good since Roe v Wade Black abortions have been 40% of all abortions or roughly 19 million black babies aborted. The Supreme Court is doing our community a fucking favor.

Da Backshot Champ

Rising Star
Are Plan Bs going to be illegal too? If not, I will load up on BRL shares. Fuck around and buy a whole stock. Some sick fuck is probably going to out here pumping Fentanyl, talking about it's Plan Bs and shit.


Rising Star
It's very simple if you don't believe in abortion don't get them but stop forcing that shit on others. I do feel people should be more responsible but these crazy conservatives try to ban the morning after pill and won't teach sex ed they are interested in curving abortions.

This is what fascists do.
It is what Amerikkka has really been about all the time.

Patriarchy is all about control, and the willingness to do violence to achieve and maintain the same.
Patriarchy, Christianity, white supremacy, capitalism- a toxic brew indeed. And we are all fucking poisoned.


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
This might be the most batshit anti abortion argument I've ever heard.

I shudda known who would be in here. Guarantee the usual suspects. Don't matter. Party is already over and Johnny Taylor playing on the loudspeakers.

Proganda agents in this thread getting that overtime money. Make sure you throw HNIC some bread for his troubles since you don't bring traffic. Ask ya BLM homegirls for some of that $90M to fight the good cause.

Guarantee they most active people in this thread have posted ZERO porn on a porn site.

Wonder why??? Carry on bots.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
If this isnt overturned -- draft opinions aren't necessarily final -- we won't see the fallout from this until 18-20 years down the line. There will be millions of unwanted kids who are grown up and angry with the world. This country is going to be complete shit at that point.
The thing is there is not that many abortions going on right now most of the people who are having kids are black and brown people in this country This is why the GOP obsession with abortion is very strange.


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
I sound like a broken record, but


So much for the mental midgets arguing that fascim does not exist. I don't really think it cares
whether you believe in it or not.
This is what people who murder people do. Take zero responsibility.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
I sound like a broken record, but


So much for the mental midgets arguing that fascim does not exist. I don't really think it cares
whether you believe in it or not.
Remember I told you guys a long time ago that white people are going to do dumb shit going out the door. Obama been president for eight years drove these fools crazy now they want to fuck up everything… Even for their own people. Whoever leak this information from the Supreme Court I thank you the country needed to hear this.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Women and men need to make better choices. Why should the unborn have to suffer?

Most Democrats had zero issue telling everyone what to do with their bodies when it came to COVID-19. Millions of people where give little choice to take experimental drugs.

Catching a virus isnt a death sentence. Abortion is.

This isn't simply about consensual adults being responsible. You think rape and incest is related to women and men simply making better choices? Or the fact that many places are passing laws without exception for these not an issue for you? Maybe the 12 year old who gets raped by her uncle should have chosen a better family to be born into when she waiting to see where her spirit would land.

I'm not "pro abortion" in that I think other options such as adoption, placement with family, etc should be considered first, along with education about safe sex and birth control, but when it comes to black women, pregnancy itself can be a death sentence.

My niece just had to end per pregnancy because it was Ectopic, anti abortion groups want women to try to have the fetus implanted, which won't work. .

We've already seen with the woman who was jailed in Texas for her "abortion" how women who have miscarriages are going to be treated.

This is just the first step. The playbook has been out for years. They are coming for contraceptives next. Y'all too short sighted to see it.

Edit: regarding exceptions: Maddow just said some places are removing exceptions for the life of the mother also.
I missed the part about the virus not being a death sentence. Tell that to the million + Americans who have died and are still dying from it.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Good since Roe v Wade Black abortions have been 40% of all abortions or roughly 19 million black babies aborted. The Supreme Court is doing our community a fucking favor.
where the hell you get that number from oh my God we have a damn Undercover right wing person here. Most of the babies they are born in America are black and brown hell from the census from 2020 majority of the people of color under 21 in this country so please get the fuck out of here.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I mean....

Why y'all so gung ho over having abortion?

You let them fool you into taking ownership over that too?


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
Good since Roe v Wade Black abortions have been 40% of all abortions or roughly 19 million black babies aborted. The Supreme Court is doing our community a fucking favor.
Can you tell these people that. These square box white lesbian women like to set up plannned parenthood in black neighborhoods like liquor stores.

Its funny how the biggest proponents of abortions never plan on having a baby with a man. I guess they need the option for test tube/turkey baster pregnancy but doesn't that defeat the entire point of getting pregnant.

I guess a woman should always be able to change her mind no matter what the cost.
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