Alabama is interesting and it’s changed my view somewhat on this abortion debate.
I was one, like others who assumed this abortion debate was about White Women making babies to boost the White population.
Alabama has me thinking otherwise.
The GOP in states they control have privatized the Foster Care services in their states. There are tons of complaints that the children in these states are not getting the support they need, are being physically, emotionally and sexually abused.
Being that is the case, it’s clear those children will be scarred with issues which will lead them into being non-productive adult citizens and lead them straight into crime.
Which leads them straight into prison.
Im now thinking the abortion debate is to maintain a constant flow of people into the American Prison system. It’s a fact that majority of State and Federal prisons are basically for-profit institutions. They make their money from filling beds. The contracts are written that the Government has to fill those cells, if cells are empty, the government has to compensate more money to the prison’s.
So what the government and prison industrial complex needs is a steady stream of bodies.
We have all heard the term “School To Prison Pipeline”.
Now it’s morphing to “Women’s Ovaries To Prison Pipeline”.
It sounds conspiracy, but I can see women’s prison’s converting to “Breeding Farms”. Child bearing women are given the option of 20+ years for shoplifting or popping out 5 babies ASAP for a reduced sentence.
The children become wards of the state and placed into the state foster care system. Everything is setup to screw the child’s life in a direction straight toward prison.
And it ain’t just Black kids. It will be all races including whites, which will be poor, uneducated whites. The more kids, the higher profit.
It will actually turn into a modern day version of American slavery protected under the 13th and 14th Amendment.
Sounds crazy…but look how things are playing out in this country overall, not just with abortion.