U.S. Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe vs. Wade


The Legend
BGOL Investor
LOL"Mr. Corporations are People (Citizens United v) and Voting Rights are negotiable" was gonna be the arcitecht of our salvation huh? Ok Rolling Stone lmao! I hate how these kinds of outlets give life to these dumb conspiracy ass niggas :smh:

CNN actually reported the story and it kinda makes sense. It's not the first time he voted with the liberals. And look at him. He can't afford to upset any pussy in his life. He knows he fucked up.



Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
CNN actually reported the story and it kinda makes sense. It's not the first time he voted with the liberals. And look at him. He can't afford to upset any pussy in his life. He knows he fucked up.


I'm not familiar with this latest historical revisionism re: Kavanaugh bruh but I am familiar with how The Federalist Society has slyly introduced their zealots into our Judicial branch over literal decades (bc they understood the assignment) and have created a retarded society where adult humans convicingly remove abortion and contraception rights. Shit is really wild out here. Btw this isn't directed at you @donwuan , I been around here long enough to know you're not retarded lol. :yes:


The Legend
BGOL Investor
I'm not familiar with this latest historical revisionism re: Kavanaugh bruh but I am familiar with how The Federalist Society has slyly introduced their zealots into our Judicial branch over literal decades (bc they understood the assignment) and have created a retarded society where adult humans convicingly remove abortion and contraception rights. Shit is really wild out here. Btw this isn't directed at you @donwuan , I been around here long enough to know you're not retarded lol. :yes:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's an indictment of our entire society that a dude who is DOCUMENTED as moving some underage girls between States for $$$ can still be a
"representative" of an entire Party in our politics and retarded brothas in here are still like..."I can't see a difference!" lol. We live in interesting times.
With the current climate how our politics are now, I really think if Allan Grayson gets back in he'd give Pedo Gaetz the business.

I don't think he'd let that fascist piece of frat trash in the 1st Congressional District of his state get by with the foolishness the rest of his party allows him to get away with on a daily basis.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
With the current climate how our politics are now, I really think if Allan Grayson gets back in he'd give Pedo Gaetz the business.

I don't think he'd let that fascist piece of frat trash in the 1st Congressional District of his state get by with the foolishness the rest of his party allows him to get away with on a daily basis.

Allan Grayson and Al Franken are like some of the realest niggas alive compared to any single GOP dude ever birthed on Earth lol. Dems have all kind of problems but I'll take these two over every single GOP House and Senate dude on GP. Sad that these goodie tooshie ass niggas ran Franken out :smh:


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
With the current climate how our politics are now, I really think if Allan Grayson gets back in he'd give Pedo Gaetz the business.

I don't think he'd let that fascist piece of frat trash in the 1st Congressional District of his state get by with the foolishness the rest of his party allows him to get away with on a daily basis.

Wow. I forgot about him. For some reason I thought he had passed tho. Good to see him back.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor

I've been trying to better understand how Roe v. Wade got overturned. Something I didn't know until now is that school finance--specifically, efforts to preserve tax exemption for segregated christian schools & perpetuate a white lifeworld--is at the heart of the story.

It was @KnowYrEnemyPod's recent series on "How They Did it" that tipped me off, citing @rickperlstein's Reaganland. If you haven't listened to the podcasts and read the book, I recommend them both.

The context is the formation of the 'new right'. 1/x


They cite an essay "The Real Origins of the Religious Right" tracing its origins to a lawsuit filed in 1969 about the tax exempt status of whites-only 'Christian' schools opened to push back against desegregation. 2/x
The Real Origins of the Religious RightThey’ll tell you it was abortion. Sorry, the historical record’s clear: It was segregation.https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/religious-right-real-origins-107133/

The original case was called Green v. Kennedy. In 1969, the first year of desegregation in their school district, Black parents in the Holmes County watched as their white neighbors did a school strike to protest desegregation. 3/x
Green v. Kennedy, 309 F. Supp. 1127 (D.D.C. 1970)Green v. Kennedy, 309 F. Supp. 1127 (D.D.C. 1970) case opinion from the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbiahttps://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/FSupp/309/1127/2096127/
Balmer notes that "the number of white students enrolled in public schools in Holmes County dropped from 771 to 28; the following year, that number fell to zero." These white parents took their kids out of the public school and started private schools that were white-only.

The segregation academies were founded as non-profit entities. Under the 501(c)(3) law governing non-profits, the institutions themselves didn't have to pay taxes. law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/26… 5/x

But not only that, under Internal Revenue Code 170(c)(2), those donating to the foundations could deduct their donations from gross income tax.

Basically, if you give money to these segregation academies then you didn't have to pay taxes on the income you used to pay them. 6/x

But the Green case undid all this: the judge found in favor of the plaintiffs!

Not only that, but Richard Nixon--fearing the collapse of local control after several state courts found school finance unconstitutional & illegal--changed the IRS code too. 7/x

To be clear: think of tax exemption as govt expenditure.

When the government decides not to tax what you have, you can kind of see it as the government giving you that money.

So the racists found a way to get a tax expenditure for their segregation academies. 7a/x

This tax exemption was a key material condition of white segregation post-Brown v. Board--which, remember, was mostly a publicity stunt during the Cold War: communists kept saying how unequal and unfree the US was, so the ruling class had to shut them up. 7b/x

The political economist of education Martin Carnoy once wrote that schools have a legitimate public claim to maintaining society's continuity. So imagine what it was like for white supremacists to integrate schools? They lost the means of maintaining their whole lifeworld. 8/x

The Green case pissed off evangelical leaders, especially as the IRS sent queries to church-related schools like Jerry Falwell’s Lynchburg Christian School. Falwell was furious. “In some states,” he said, “It’s easier to open a massage parlor than a Christian school.” 9/x

Evangelicals hadn't been super political, but conservative activists wanted to get activated to form a voting bloc. The loss of their white Christian schools' tax exemption status did the trick. But they couldn't come out and fight for this explicitly--it was too racist. 10/x

That's where abortion comes in. Balmer writes in another longer essay that abortion was the issue evangelicals could fight against as a sort of proxy or trojan horse to win back the loss of their white world. 11/x

I lay it all out here with more detail. And if you want readable socialist analysis of education with a focus on finance, sign up for the newsletter!
Important clarification that I hadn’t seen: the “it’s all about segregated schools and only got taken up later” narrative is over-simplified. I think the issue was still in the mix and arguably played a key role, but we certainly can’t be reductive/ignore: washingtonpost.com/outlook/2022/0…
• • •

As professional class people move to cities and have kids in the US, we have to choose schools--which means participating in an intensely unjust system. I’m a socialist, professor of education policy, and a parent in this position. Here’s my story.
I grew up in a medium-sized town in western Connecticut. When I left for college, I promised myself I'd live in a city. I hated being in cars all the time, and hated the silent, soul crushing, isolated, anxious depression of the middle class scramble for status. 1/n
My urban preference syncs up with trends in millennials' choices. Dowell Myers finds that 2015 was the peak year for millennials in cities. (This is changing now, with millenials moving out of cities. I wonder if this is because of schools). 2/n researchgate.net/profile/Dowell…
Read 25 tweets
david i. backer
Jan 5
Omicron is surging and there's a crisis over whether to close schools. A key part of this issue is school building safety, specifically ventilation systems. I've been studying how these are financed so here's a with an explanation for how our school buildings got this way.
There's a difference between regular operating costs (salaries, books) and big project costs. Ventilation system maintenance and replacement are big capital extensive projects that take a lot of time and money to complete. These are called capital expenditures.
You might be surprised to learn that school districts and states in the US have to take out loans from Wall Street for these big capital projects. It leaves every district and state for themselves and subject to credit ratings, interest rates, and fees. nytimes.com/2021/08/27/opi…
Read 11 tweets
david i. backer
Jan 3
I've been looking up who's in charge of facilities stuff at the School District of Philadelphia given the buildings crisis. Who actually works on designing & financing things like school ventilation systems? Poking around the Office of Capital Programs, I noticed Nicole Ward.
Ward is the Design Manager for the district's capital management team. (She's the one behind 'ment' here.) She started in 2016.
If you want to design school construction projects or big maintenance programs--that reduce building emissions, for instance--she's an important person to know. This proposal bid was addressed to her. phila.gov/media/20210205…
Read 10 tweets
david i. backer
Sep 10, 2021
There's a facilities crisis in the School District of Philadelphia. Buildings full of asbestos, garbage not being picked up, roofs caving in. So I got interested in the District's facilities leadership: who makes decisions about facilities? I found some weird things. (thread)
The SDP's facilities are overseen by the Office of Operations, led by Reggie McNeil.philasd.org/operations/. They also have a twitter feed: @PHLschoolOps
In the Office of Operations is the Office of Facilities Management & Services (OFMS), which has a Facilities Dept and a Maintenance Dept. Under Facilities, we find Executive Director of Operations Ralph Carp and Director of Facilities Tim Holman. philasd.org/facilities/dep…
Read 15 tweets
david i. backer
Feb 15, 2021
Ever wonder why some schools have enough money for safe ventilation and others don’t? A thread.
@BisforBerkshire and @Edu_Historian have a new book called A Wolf at the Schoolhouse Door.

It’s about how if we’re not careful public education could be totally privatized. It’s great. But when it comes to the schoolhouse itself—it’s infrastructure—the wolves already control it.

Now for some basic accounting. A capital expenditure is diff than an operating cost. OpC is a regular expense, like wages. Capital project is a one-time or infrequent thing, like fixing your buildings. Ventilation systems are usually the latter.
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Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Guidance related to House Bill 481, Living Infants and Fairness Equality (LIFE) Act
AUGUST 01, 2022
Georgia Department of Revenue Provides Guidance Related to Georgia House Bill 481.
(This guidance reflects the recent rulings by the U.S. Supreme Court on June 24, 2022, and the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals on July 20, 2022.)
In light of the June 24, 2022, U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization and the July 20, 2022, 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling in Sistersong v. Kemp, the Department will recognize any unborn child with a detectable human heartbeat, as defined in O.C.G.A. § 1-2-1, as eligible for the Georgia individual income tax dependent exemption. The 11th Circuit’s ruling made HB 481’s amendment to O.C.G.A § 48-7-26(a), adding an unborn child with a detectable heartbeat to the definition of dependent, effective as of the date of the court’s ruling, which was July 20, 2022.
As such, on individual income tax returns filed for Tax Year 2022 where, at any time on or after July 20, 2022, and through December 31, 2022, a taxpayer has an unborn child (or children) with a detectable human heartbeat (which may occur as early as six weeks’ gestation), the taxpayer may claim a dependent personal exemption as provided for under O.C.G.A § 48-7-26(a) and (b)(3) in the amount of $3,000.00 for each unborn child. For Tax Year 2022, the deduction for dependent unborn children will be a subtraction on Line 12, “Other Adjustments,” of Form 500 Schedule 1.
Similar to any other deduction claimed on an income tax return, relevant medical records or other supporting documentation shall be provided to support the dependent deduction claimed if requested by the Department.
Additional information, including return instructions to claim the personal exemption for an unborn child with a detectable heartbeat, will be issued later this year along with other tax changes impacting Tax Year 2022 Georgia individual income tax returns.

I guess this is Georgia's idea of a headstart


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Biden Justice Department sues Idaho over state's abortion restrictions in first post-Dobbs lawsuit

The Biden administration filed a lawsuit on Tuesday against Idaho for restricting access to abortion to patients who need lifesaving medical treatment, the first such Justice Department challenge since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade this summer.

Idaho's near-total abortion ban, which will take effect later this month, would make it nearly impossible, according to the Justice Department. for patients who need an abortion in emergency medical situations, such as an ectopic pregnancy or other complications, from receiving potentially lifesaving treatment.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Again, I'm neither Republican or Democrat. At this point, I am not forced into picking a side. I am more conservative. Republicans do their deviant dirt in secret and democrats live their babylonian lives out in the open.

I would prefer a representative to know what is right and wrong, support right, and may do wrong in private, versus an individual who doesn't care about right or wrong and try to force their deviant behavior on the population.

At this point, Republicans at least know what is right. There's not much difference between most democrats and satanists. Woke is the new satanism.
I’ve been calling out these Luciferians for a while. They are not righteous and will meet the fate of the adversary when this society collapses. The pro-white is not part of my nation of people and it will be a day of celebration when they are finally removed :yes:


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member