Umar's top five coons of all time


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Shaq and Barkley do not make decisions that affect the lives of other black people.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Coon (noun): a black person who uses irrational logic and INTENTIONALLY harms their people, for their own lust, economic gain, and interest of their oppressor: e.g., any nigga that sold harmful drugs to black people, any rapper that accepts zero accountability for
spewing harmful and misogynistic lyrics, any religious leader who taught the uniformed lies, and mysterious gods, any employee that works for an employer that sells or markets harmful products, or services to black people...and finally...any member of social media or online communities that exploits black women under the guise of entertainment.

Coon has an expanded definition...stop throwing rocks ...the point is anyone of us can be classified a coon dependent upon who's definition you subscribe to.
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Rising Star
This last part.... exploits black women under the guise of entertainment. I personally don't think we do that on BGOL, but some would say we do. I have no power over the women whose pics I post and/or lust after, so it's not exploitation in my opinion.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
To be fair, Shaq owms a ton of PJ franchises and from what I remember, he stepped in to help rebrand the company. Can't be mad at that. I don't remember him coon'n for the PJ guy. He acknowledged the dude fucked up and he said he told the board he'd do something. Nothing that any smart business person with a ton of equity in an investment wouldn't do.
Shaq sold all his stakes in Poppa Johns and Opened Big Chicken.

There were no real racial tensions and black folks were still buying their pizzas and working there.

The shit started because he defended the NFL, the same NFL these butt hurt mofokrs continued to watch and buy gear from.

Then he downplayed it his comments

Then he resigned.

Poppa Johns didn't make Shaq a coon .

And fuck Umar the Lip, er I mean the Prince


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Too bad this was only a movie

Sadly, if you black and did ANY WORK for Fox News, you a coon.

Bullshit. Where you work doesn't define who you are unless you doing something at work other than being yourself.

I don't consider Colin Powell or Michael Steel coons because they were republicans, they would have been coons if they carried the Tea Party or MAGA mantra


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm shocked to hear Shaq being on there but I understand.
Barkley and Shaq are not anywhere near the level of Thomas, Peterson, or Owens. The former are on Fiddler's level, knows where their bread is buttered, don't want to rock the boat. The latter are on Steven's level, the white man's water is colder, and can't nobody tell them anything different.


Larry elder
Jesse Lee peterson
Coondace Owens
Tim scott

Dishonorable mentions.....
Koonye west
Paris dennard
Alan Keyes
Ben Carson
Byron donalds
Hodge twins
you aint never lied bout the hodge twins. got damn them boys went 0-100 to the coonforce. 1 day i was watching weightlifting & food reviews. next week it was far right bullshit. I unsubbed so gd fast.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

ational Justice Investigates: Rising Republican Party Influencers Got Their Start At Talent Agency Run By Israeli Pornographer​

Eric StrikerJul 30, 2021

They're prominent guests on Fox, they lead "grassroots" rallies, they write columns at The Blaze, they are keynote speakers at CPAC, a few were even used to blackmail perceived enemies of Israeli interests -- and they all got their start as actors and models at the same Israeli-owned talent agency.

These up and coming conservative superstars appear to have had or currently still have active profiles up at shadowy Israeli-born pornographer Ami Shafrir's Explore Talent, National Justice can report.

So far, National Justice has identified the following household names in the world of Republican Party politics as being actors or models featured for hire on the site in the last ten years:

1) Candace Owens -- who began producing professional conservative content months after launching her Explore Talent profile in 2017.

2) Congresswoman Lauren Boebert -- participated in the site's gallery contest in 2011, two years before opening up the "Shooters Grill" restaurant that brought her national fame and helped catapult her political career.

3) Tomi Lahren -- a familiar face throughout conservative media. She has previously worked at The Blaze and served on Donald Trump's PAC alongside Rudy Giuliani. She currently works as a contributor for Fox News.

4) Mellissa Carone -- Rudy Giuliani's star witness in his election fraud lawsuit last December. She is currently running for officein Michigan.

5) Scott Presler -- a homosexual conservative influencer, often spotted leading rallies in the run up to Trump's election. Presler spoke at CPAC 2020.

6) Emma DiGiovine -- the Fox News assistant who Jesse Waters left his wife for.

7) Anna Khait and Tarah Price -- Two women hired by private intelligence operatives to seduce and blackmail National Security Adviser Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster after Jewish mega donors Sheldon Adelson and Robert Mercer complained to Trump that he wasn't sufficiently pro-Israel.

Raunchy Central Casting

One common theme in the modeling profiles above is the low quality and hyper sexµal nature of the pictures. National Justiceconsulted with an expert in photography, who described the images as looking more like what would be featured on an escort site than people trying to get movie roles.

Below are the watermarked photographs used in the portfolios of Presler, Boebert, and Carone.




The Man Behind Explore Talents

Explore Talents is registered under the name of Amiram Moshe Shafrir, an Israeli businessman who -- alongside his ex-wife Sarit -- has never been far from trouble.

Shafrir made his fortune in the 1990s through Amtec Audiotext, a highly lucrative phone sëx service that Israeli criminals battled for ownership of until the FBI intervened on Ami's behalf. Shafrir and his wife also ran pornography websites such as the defunct, according to court documents obtained by National Justice.

Using money from his phone sëx and pδrn sites, Shafrir was able to help start a number of online dating websites, including the Jews only J-Date, which Rabbi Schmuley Boteach would later claim defrauded him out of money in a bad business venture. According to the New York Times, users of affiliated pδrn sites were being wired into the dating sites to beef up their user numbers.

Throughout the arduous legal process, public records show that the dispute between various Israelis led to lawsuits accusing the Shafrir's of being involved in illegal wiretapping, the use of bribed police officers, and even the alleged collection of blackmail material on American military officials who were secretly homosexual by Sarit Shafrir that she later transported back to Israel. Ties to organized crime, ripping off credit card customers, and even the trafficking of expired drugs to be sold to minorities were also alleged in court.

Eventually, Shafrir was able to survive the chaos and created Explore Talent, which itself is often accused of being a scam in the movie and television industry.

The relationship between Shafrir and the Republican Party is not clear, but it is clear that the conservative movement recruits women through his service.

All in all, the overnight transition of women from low-rent "models" on Explore Talent to congresswomen, high-risk spies, and nationally renown political personalities leaves more questions than answers.

The most innocent explanation -- that GOP operatives are actively recruiting women who are broke and desperate for fame -- speaks volumes about the state of American conservatism.


Woke as fuck
BGOL Investor

ational Justice Investigates: Rising Republican Party Influencers Got Their Start At Talent Agency Run By Israeli Pornographer​

Eric StrikerJul 30, 2021

They're prominent guests on Fox, they lead "grassroots" rallies, they write columns at The Blaze, they are keynote speakers at CPAC, a few were even used to blackmail perceived enemies of Israeli interests -- and they all got their start as actors and models at the same Israeli-owned talent agency.

These up and coming conservative superstars appear to have had or currently still have active profiles up at shadowy Israeli-born pornographer Ami Shafrir's Explore Talent, National Justice can report.

So far, National Justice has identified the following household names in the world of Republican Party politics as being actors or models featured for hire on the site in the last ten years:

1) Candace Owens -- who began producing professional conservative content months after launching her Explore Talent profile in 2017.

2) Congresswoman Lauren Boebert -- participated in the site's gallery contest in 2011, two years before opening up the "Shooters Grill" restaurant that brought her national fame and helped catapult her political career.

3) Tomi Lahren -- a familiar face throughout conservative media. She has previously worked at The Blaze and served on Donald Trump's PAC alongside Rudy Giuliani. She currently works as a contributor for Fox News.

4) Mellissa Carone -- Rudy Giuliani's star witness in his election fraud lawsuit last December. She is currently running for officein Michigan.

5) Scott Presler -- a homosexual conservative influencer, often spotted leading rallies in the run up to Trump's election. Presler spoke at CPAC 2020.

6) Emma DiGiovine -- the Fox News assistant who Jesse Waters left his wife for.

7) Anna Khait and Tarah Price -- Two women hired by private intelligence operatives to seduce and blackmail National Security Adviser Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster after Jewish mega donors Sheldon Adelson and Robert Mercer complained to Trump that he wasn't sufficiently pro-Israel.

Raunchy Central Casting

One common theme in the modeling profiles above is the low quality and hyper sexµal nature of the pictures. National Justiceconsulted with an expert in photography, who described the images as looking more like what would be featured on an escort site than people trying to get movie roles.

Below are the watermarked photographs used in the portfolios of Presler, Boebert, and Carone.




The Man Behind Explore Talents

Explore Talents is registered under the name of Amiram Moshe Shafrir, an Israeli businessman who -- alongside his ex-wife Sarit -- has never been far from trouble.

Shafrir made his fortune in the 1990s through Amtec Audiotext, a highly lucrative phone sëx service that Israeli criminals battled for ownership of until the FBI intervened on Ami's behalf. Shafrir and his wife also ran pornography websites such as the defunct, according to court documents obtained by National Justice.

Using money from his phone sëx and pδrn sites, Shafrir was able to help start a number of online dating websites, including the Jews only J-Date, which Rabbi Schmuley Boteach would later claim defrauded him out of money in a bad business venture. According to the New York Times, users of affiliated pδrn sites were being wired into the dating sites to beef up their user numbers.

Throughout the arduous legal process, public records show that the dispute between various Israelis led to lawsuits accusing the Shafrir's of being involved in illegal wiretapping, the use of bribed police officers, and even the alleged collection of blackmail material on American military officials who were secretly homosexual by Sarit Shafrir that she later transported back to Israel. Ties to organized crime, ripping off credit card customers, and even the trafficking of expired drugs to be sold to minorities were also alleged in court.

Eventually, Shafrir was able to survive the chaos and created Explore Talent, which itself is often accused of being a scam in the movie and television industry.

The relationship between Shafrir and the Republican Party is not clear, but it is clear that the conservative movement recruits women through his service.

All in all, the overnight transition of women from low-rent "models" on Explore Talent to congresswomen, high-risk spies, and nationally renown political personalities leaves more questions than answers.

The most innocent explanation -- that GOP operatives are actively recruiting women who are broke and desperate for fame -- speaks volumes about the state of American conservatism.

Good article but dont think for one second your favorite democratic party politicans arent all actors as well. AOC being the biggest one.