Universal Basic Income and Universal Health Care don't look so bad now huh??


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I mean in a different way than bungling healthcare. They been fucking up healthcare for years. But they fucked up on this by response time and measures, similar to Italy, France, and a number of other places. And when they finally did act, you have a percentage of people who don't take the shit seriously.

For example, right now in Ohio, daycares are still open. That is reckless as hell and a prime example of how ANY healthcare system can become quickly overrun with cases. :smh: In other threads, people mad at our governor for halting the primary. All that dumb shit adds up and will lead to triage out here.
sooo the govt didn't fuck up differently...they fucked up the same way france and italy did...slow response, no infrastructure to deal with a pandemic etc....:dunno::dunno::dunno: so how is UHC a bad deal considering? Those countries' health systems and (and this one soon enough) are over burdened because of their execution not because of the type of healthcare system they use.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
sooo the govt didn't fuck up differently...they fucked up the same way france and italy did...slow response, no infrastructure to deal with a pandemic etc....:dunno::dunno::dunno: so how is UHC a bad deal considering? Those countries' health systems and (and this one soon enough) are over burdened because of their execution not because of the type of healthcare system they use.
Again, I'm not saying it's bad. I'm for it. Also for UBI. I'm saying your title is misleading and using the wrong thing to promote universal health care. That is all.

Yes, systems are overburdened because of fucked up leadership and people doing dumb shit. The 'universal health care don't look so bad now' is just the wrong argument at this time.

Now when people get hit with bills for this shit, bring up the healthcare argument. :eek: :eek: :eek: Cause I know around here folks still needed a doctor's say to go get the drive thru tests. You can go to metro health without insurance and get a doctor's not and/or care, but that bill going to come.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Then your knock against UHC is sensless since its not the concept thats wrong at all...you can talk that "i'm not emotional" jive all you want...your logic isn't sound either.
trump freestyling talks in circles until he finds something that sticks then acts like he just made the greatest point about something nobody asked him in teh first place!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
thats huckster/used car salesmen tactics....

the issue i believe isnt whether UHC or UBI would've stopped the virus spread but whether not having it has exacerbated it ?
thats the debate !
now ITALY presumably has a better healthcare system but imagine how much worse it mightve gotten if they DIDNT have a decent healthcare system
b: also putting in equation they have an older aging demo per capita than america does! americans die off from health related issues from gmo and fucked up for profit plastic food at a higher rate than italy !
so if they have better healthcare systems & also have better food&drug administration, their diet is highly mediterranean which is proven to be more heart supporting n beneficial for optimal health , HENCE THEY WOULD LIVE LONGER,
less pollution, less capitalist fuckery in their food & healthcare =LONGER LIVES !


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Again, I'm not saying it's bad. I'm for it. Also for UBI. I'm saying your title is misleading and using the wrong thing to promote universal health care. That is all.

Yes, systems are overburdened because of fucked up leadership and people doing dumb shit. The 'universal health care don't look so bad now' is just the wrong argument at this time.

Now when people get hit with bills for this shit, bring up the healthcare argument. :eek: :eek: :eek: Cause I know around here folks still needed a doctor's say to go get the drive thru tests. You can go to metro health without insurance and get a doctor's not and/or care, but that bill going to come.

you have to lay the foundation for that shit now because people have short memories...and when this blows over they aren't going to pay attention to it anymore....plus theres an election coming in 7 months...you have to hammer home how his leadership brought us here and how the GOP lack of action on healthcare is responsible for this shit. They weakened obama care and didn't come up with an alternative....they were caught flatflooted for the worst pandemic of the century so far.. they have no answers and only bandaid solutions at best!...

They're talking about businesses and people hunkering down for POSSIBLY EIGHT WEEKS??? And more than half the country lives check to check??? how the fuck is that supposed to work??

It was the left that said we need to start thinking seriously about UBI....its the left that said we need to overhaul healthcare...



BGOL Investor
Dumb fuckas against universal health care while they elect representatives with socialized Cadillac health care to vote to not give them the equivalent. I can't believe any fool would be brave enough to publicly argue against a benefit bought with their own funds that will get spent anyway.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It was the left that said we need to start thinking seriously about UBI....its the left that said we need to overhaul healthcare...

im waiting for the "BOTH SIDES" argument, this should be a good one..



Rising Star
FACT: Obama sets up a pandemic taskforce...trump takes it down 2 years ago....never replaces it...

This whole post is based on a NON fact.

"It’s true that the president’s proposed budgets have included funding cuts to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — but Congress hasn’t enacted those cuts."

Democrats’ Misleading Coronavirus Claims

There is a real argument for UHC, you don't need to use lies and half-truths to bolster your position.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
you have to lay the foundation for that shit now because people have short memories...and when this blows over they aren't going to pay attention to it anymore....plus theres an election coming in 7 months...you have to hammer home how his leadership brought us here and how the GOP lack of action on healthcare is responsible for this shit. They weakened obama care and didn't come up with an alternative....they were caught flatflooted for the worst pandemic of the century so far.. they have no answers and only bandaid solutions at best!...

They're talking about businesses and people hunkering down for POSSIBLY EIGHT WEEKS??? And more than half the country lives check to check??? how the fuck is that supposed to work??

It was the left that said we need to start thinking seriously about UBI....its the left that said we need to overhaul healthcare...

Seriously, you get off this captain save-a-hoe with the democrat shit. You fighting for them like it's on set. On some blood in, blood out shit. Wtf???

I just said that the BILL for this shit will be when you implement your argument, didn't I? You don't lay the foundation for this shit during a pandemic in which BOTH sides had a delayed reaction. We aren't a monarchy, we have powerful senators and representatives who basically sat fucking February out on this shit.

So who is the "THEY" you speak of?

Both sides on this partisan bullshit. Just cut it the fuck out already. People are going to die and BOTH congress and the president sat on their asses for most of February. You ain't laying the foundation for shit.

Wait until the bills are due. THEN you say that healthcare for all wouldn't have people calling trying to get themselves out of debt for care they needed during a pandemic. It's really that fucking simple.

As for UBI, I'm for it and was saying that should have been one of the main fucking issue during the primaries. I was a Yang guy. Don't tell me about UBI because the guy the board is caping for(BIDEN) isn't for UBI and none of the fucking moderates are for it. Just cut the shit. :smh:

And UBI don't mean shit if they suspend all bills during this. People aren't going to be getting evicted, foreclosed on, or have utilities cut off.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
This whole post is based on a NON fact.

"It’s true that the president’s proposed budgets have included funding cuts to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — but Congress hasn’t enacted those cuts."

Democrats’ Misleading Coronavirus Claims

There is a real argument for UHC, you don't need to use lies and half-truths to bolster your position.
Jesus christ. :smh: People so quick to play partisan politics that they can't even be bothered to fact check. Folks want to lay a foundation and don't care if it's made of bullshit instead of brick.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This whole post is based on a NON fact.

"It’s true that the president’s proposed budgets have included funding cuts to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — but Congress hasn’t enacted those cuts."

Democrats’ Misleading Coronavirus Claims

There is a real argument for UHC, you don't need to use lies and half-truths to bolster your position.
we seem to be talking about two separate issues...budgeting and actual staffing of a team.

The Trump administration fired the U.S. pandemic response team in 2018 to cut costs.

Amid warnings from public health officials that a 2020 outbreak of a new coronavirus could soon become a pandemic involving the U.S., alarmed readers asked Snopes to verify a rumor that U.S. President Donald Trump had “fired the entire pandemic response team two years ago and then didn’t replace them.”

The claim came from a series of tweets posted by Judd Legum, who runs Popular Information, a newsletter he describes as being about “politics and power.” Legum’s commentary was representative of sharp criticism from Democratic legislators (and some Republicans) that the Trump administration had ill-prepared the country for a pandemic even as one was looming on the horizon.

Legum outlined a series of cost-cutting decisions made by the Trump administration in preceding years that had gutted the nation’s infectious disease defense infrastructure. The “pandemic response team” firing claim referred to news accounts from Spring 2018 reporting that White House officials tasked with directing a national response to a pandemic had been ousted.

Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer abruptly departed from his post leading the global health security team on the National Security Council in May 2018 amid a reorganization of the council by then-National Security Advisor John Bolton, and Ziemer’s team was disbanded. Tom Bossert, whom the Washington Post reported “had called for a comprehensive biodefense strategy against pandemics and biological attacks,” had been fired one month prior.

It’s thus true that the Trump administration axed the executive branch team responsible for coordinating a response to a pandemic and did not replace it, eliminating Ziemer’s position and reassigning others, although Bolton was the executive at the top of the National Security Council chain of command at the time.

the part that YOUR talking about is here...

Legum stated in a follow-up tweet that “Trump also cut funding for the CDC, forcing the CDC to cancel its efforts to help countries prevent infectious-disease threats from becoming epidemics in 39 of 49 countries in 2018. Among the countries abandoned? China.” That was partly true, according to 2018 news reports stating that funding for the CDC’s global disease outbreak prevention efforts had been reduced by 80%, including funding for the agency’s efforts in China.

But that was the result of the anticipated depletion of previously allotted funding, not a direct cut by the Trump administration. And as the CDC told FactCheck.org, the cuts were ultimately avoided because Congress provided other funding.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Seriously, you get off this captain save-a-hoe with the democrat shit. You fighting for them like it's on set. On some blood in, blood out shit. Wtf???

I just said that the BILL for this shit will be when you implement your argument, didn't I? You don't lay the foundation for this shit during a pandemic in which BOTH sides had a delayed reaction. We aren't a monarchy, we have powerful senators and representatives who basically sat fucking February out on this shit.

So who is the "THEY" you speak of?

Both sides on this partisan bullshit. Just cut it the fuck out already. People are going to die and BOTH congress and the president sat on their asses for most of February. You ain't laying the foundation for shit.

Wait until the bills are due. THEN you say that healthcare for all wouldn't have people calling trying to get themselves out of debt for care they needed during a pandemic. It's really that fucking simple.

As for UBI, I'm for it and was saying that should have been one of the main fucking issue during the primaries. I was a Yang guy. Don't tell me about UBI because the guy the board is caping for(BIDEN) isn't for UBI and none of the fucking moderates are for it. Just cut the shit. :smh:

And UBI don't mean shit if they suspend all bills during this. People aren't going to be getting evicted, foreclosed on, or have utilities cut off.

Dude your missing my point...youre saying wait until the "bill comes due" well once the crisis has passed trump WILL take a victory lap...the right wing media will spin it and declare him god and left media will harumph and be mealy-mouthed about how he really fucked up. Biden will fumble the talking points and Sanders will just look like a crazed grandpa. And as long as we all come out on the otherside of the crisis RELATIVELY okay trump will say his response was the greatest. And NO ONE will be paying attention to ANYTHING coming due.

The CRISIS itself...while this shit is happening is the time to lay the foundation for those issues...because right NOW theyre literally talking about expanding and relaxing healthcare requirements and redtape (medicare and medicaid) to deal with the disease. Guess what that is in essence???

PLUS...IF this crisis extends into the summer and September the govt is literally gonna have to start giving people money just to buy food and basic essentials and keep businesses afloat and thats basically what UBI is generally speaking.

Theres a reason why the powers that be ALWAYS IMPLEMENT SHIT DURING A CRISIS and not wait until after shits over.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Doesn't Italy have universal health care? :confused:I believe they are doing triage over there and letting people die. Italy has a top 10 ranked healthcare system and has over 2000 dead from over 25000 CONFIRMED infections.

Are we sure we playing politics right with this one?
But so does South Korea.

Let’s be honest. Italy fucked shit up, but let’s not act like having govt covered health care hurt more than helped. Those fools, just like here in America, just didn’t care and went about business as usual.

Having an entire country know exactly what they have to do in order to get care could be the difference between a shitty situation and a FUCKED up situation. How many times have we heard govt officials tell people showing symptoms to contact their health care provider, and the provider says they have no idea what to do.

South Korea got their shit setup like a well oiled machine. Systems are similar but it’s also who is controlling the sticks that matter even more.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Mnuchin says Trump administration is looking to get cash to Americans ‘immediately’

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Tuesday that the Trump administration wants to get emergency funds in Americans’ pockets “immediately” amid the coronavirus crisis.

“Americans need cash now,” Mnuchin said during a White House press briefing on the administration’s latest efforts to combat the disease. “I mean now in the next two weeks.”

“The president has instructed me that we have to do this now,” Mnuchin added.

BOO-YAH!!!! somewhere Andrew Yang is laffing his ass off!
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Mnuchin says Trump administration is looking to get cash to Americans ‘immediately’

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Tuesday that the Trump administration wants to get emergency funds in Americans’ pockets “immediately” amid the coronavirus crisis.

“Americans need cash now,” Mnuchin said during a White House press briefing on the administration’s latest efforts to combat the disease. “I mean now in the next two weeks.”

“The president has instructed me that we have to do this now,” Mnuchin added.

BOO-YAH!!!! somewhere Andrew Yang is laffing his ass off!
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Trump just brought my vote!




The R&B Master
OG Investor
If my memory serves me correct there was bunch of folks that refused to vote for Hillary. Like her or not we all needed to vote her in to protect what Obama had accomplished.

Welcome to failure-land. Many made the mistake, learn from it and don't repeat it again. Get your asses out there and vote this time.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What we have now is what we have now. No matter who made it to the oval office we would be dealing with the same issues.
not true...we would have been dealing with it better since there would have been a pandemic task force in place ALREADY... you know..because lessons were LEARNED from H1N1 and Ebola... you see YOUR BOY decided "I'm a businessperson. I don't like having thousands of people around when you don't need them," Trump said. "When we need them, we can get them back very quickly."

hows that working out??? Now theyre estimating going into the summer with this shit?? doing social distancing for the next 4 or 5 MONTH??? shit no one talked about doing that with EBOLA!!

Face it...the country got caught FLATFOOTED when we didn't have to because YOU BOY decided to tear shit down merely because Obama touched it. Obama came up with something 8 years ago and trump says WE DON'T NEED IT.....turns out WE DID!

Would covid 19 be eradicated by now?? NO. BUT we would have at least been on a better footing and position to deal with it, the markets wouldn't have roiled as much because they would have seen the US handling shit and public confidence in leadership would be better than it is now.

Instead, we got what looks like the beginning of I AM LEGEND.

but that would have happened anyway even with the task force in place right?? :rolleyes2: :rolleyes2: :rolleyes2: :rolleyes2: FOH


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
its worth it, it has its faults but it tries to help everyone.

on why italy has it bad , i asked female friend who is a nurse and she said that here (uk) the nurse and healthcare assistance wash the patients. whereas in italy the relatives have to wash the family member in the hospital, so its easy to pass on or spread


Rising Star
not true...we would have been dealing with it better since there would have been a pandemic task force in place ALREADY... you know..because lessons were LEARNED from H1N1 and Ebola... you see YOUR BOY decided "I'm a businessperson. I don't like having thousands of people around when you don't need them," Trump said. "When we need them, we can get them back very quickly."

hows that working out??? Now theyre estimating going into the summer with this shit?? doing social distancing for the next 4 or 5 MONTH??? shit no one talked about doing that with EBOLA!!

Face it...the country got caught FLATFOOTED when we didn't have to because YOU BOY decided to tear shit down merely because Obama touched it. Obama came up with something 8 years ago and trump says WE DON'T NEED IT.....turns out WE DID!

Would covid 19 be eradicated by now?? NO. BUT we would have at least been on a better footing and position to deal with it, the markets wouldn't have roiled as much because they would have seen the US handling shit and public confidence in leadership would be better than it is now.

Instead, we got what looks like the beginning of I AM LEGEND.

but that would have happened anyway even with the task force in place right?? :rolleyes2: :rolleyes2: :rolleyes2: :rolleyes2: FOH

If we 'LEARNED from H1N1 and Ebola" why couldn't any scientist be able to go back to the lab with the research already available? You're simplifying a very complex process - made much more complex from the fact the source of the virus is a country that refused to share any information, and PUNISHED THEIR OWN DOCTORS for speaking out publicly.

Also, as I've said before: in WHAT WORLD does President Hillary go against the advice of the WHO and risk being called racist by the media for banning flights from China after they locked down Wuhan? Had he not did that we'd be WAY worse right now. And that's not to say that Trump's done a good job handling this in total.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If we 'LEARNED from H1N1 and Ebola" why couldn't any scientist be able to go back to the lab with the research already available? You're simplifying a very complex process - made much more complex from the fact the source of the virus is a country that refused to share any information, and PUNISHED THEIR OWN DOCTORS for speaking out publicly.
thats funny because there are other countries dealing with it better....maybe because they were more proactive early on. Do you think??

Also, as I've said before: in WHAT WORLD does President Hillary go against the advice of the WHO and risk being called racist by the media for banning flights from China after they locked down Wuhan? Had he not did that we'd be WAY worse right now. And that's not to say that Trump's done a good job handling this in total.
In what world would Hillary shutdown the pandemic task force then call the shit a political hoax then say publicly go to work etc...

trump at BEST gets HALF CREDIT for the flight ban but the shits HERE ANYWAY so big whoop. The REAL fight was being prepared for WHEN IT GETS HERE NOT TRYING TO STOP IT FROM GETTING HERE! that was never going to happen and you know this. Again LESSONS LEARNED FROM H1N1 AND EBOLA.