Update: 2023 Halle Berry's Child Support Payments Cut In Half After She Described The Ordered $16,000 A Month As 'Extortion'


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BGOL Investor
Halle Berry's Child Support Payments Cut In Half After She Described The Ordered $16,000 A Month As 'Extortion'

Oscar-winning actress Halle Berry has been engulfed in a child support battle since 2014. She has two children, Nahla, 13, and Maceo, 7. She is court-ordered to pay monthly support to the fathers of both of her children. While the monthly amount for both orders is astronomical, Berry received some reprieve. A slight relief came when her monthly payment to her ex, Gabriel Aubry, was reduced from $16,000 to $8,000.
The 55-year-old-actress and 44-year-old model began dating in 2006. They welcomed their daughter two years later but split in 2018. According to E! News, the custody battle got sticky in 2012 after Aubry blocked Berry’s request for courts to allow her to relocate to France with Nahla and then-fiancé Olivier Martinez.
The original $16,000 monthly payment was based on Berry’s 2012 income. E! News states court documents reported the X-Men star’s income as $4.7 million during the first nine months of 2012. This was a major difference compared to Aubry’s income of $192,921.
The original ruling also included the actress paying retroactive support totaling $115,000 and $300,000 for Aubry’s legal fees. The couple received 50-50 joint custody. Berry was also responsible for their daughter’s private school tuition.
Berry begrudgingly paid the support without contest for more than eight years until she vocalized her anger in 2021.
Berry opened up about her battle with child support and what she felt was “extortion.”
It started with an Instagram post in Feb. 2021 using a graphic stating, “Women don’t owe you sh*t.”

She captioned the post, “& that’s on mary had a little lamb.”
Berry replied to followers in the comment section, expressing her feelings about the biases of child support.
“I’ve been paying it for a decade now. I feel if a woman or man is having to pay support that is way more than the reasonable needs to help SUPPORT the child, I think that is wrong!” she wrote.
She added that parenting should be an effort completed by both parents.
“I understand some parents (man or woman) may need help, but I also feel in these modern times both men and women have the responsibility to financially take care of their children and work hard and make every effort to do so,” she said.
She also spoke on her belief that people use child support to supplement the income they can’t earn themselves.
“The way many laws are set up, people are allowed to USE children in order to be awarded money to live a lifestyle that not only did they not earn, but that is way above and beyond the child’s reasonable needs, and that is ‘THE WRONG’ and where I see the abuse,” she said.
She ended the open debate by sympathizing with men who are usually given the short end of the stick by the child support system.
“I can say I’m living it everyday and I can tell you it’s hard. I do totally understand the feelings of those men who feel they are and have been taken advantage of by the system,” she said.
Berry’s passion possibly influenced the outcome of the 2021 payment revision. A little over a month later, her payments were reduced.
The Blast reported that Berry’s payments were lowered to $8,000. She is also ordered to pay the remainder of the retroactive amount of $85,000.
Berry will also continue to pay her daughter’s school tuition and health insurance.
There have been no reports of revision of Berry’s current child support arrangement with the father of her son, Olivier Martinez.
Berry is currently dating R&B singer Van Hunt.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Halle Berry's Child Support Payments Cut In Half After She Described The Ordered $16,000 A Month As 'Extortion'

Oscar-winning actress Halle Berry has been engulfed in a child support battle since 2014. She has two children, Nahla, 13, and Maceo, 7. She is court-ordered to pay monthly support to the fathers of both of her children. While the monthly amount for both orders is astronomical, Berry received some reprieve. A slight relief came when her monthly payment to her ex, Gabriel Aubry, was reduced from $16,000 to $8,000.
The 55-year-old-actress and 44-year-old model began dating in 2006. They welcomed their daughter two years later but split in 2018. According to E! News, the custody battle got sticky in 2012 after Aubry blocked Berry’s request for courts to allow her to relocate to France with Nahla and then-fiancé Olivier Martinez.
The original $16,000 monthly payment was based on Berry’s 2012 income. E! News states court documents reported the X-Men star’s income as $4.7 million during the first nine months of 2012. This was a major difference compared to Aubry’s income of $192,921.
The original ruling also included the actress paying retroactive support totaling $115,000 and $300,000 for Aubry’s legal fees. The couple received 50-50 joint custody. Berry was also responsible for their daughter’s private school tuition.
Berry begrudgingly paid the support without contest for more than eight years until she vocalized her anger in 2021.
Berry opened up about her battle with child support and what she felt was “extortion.”
It started with an Instagram post in Feb. 2021 using a graphic stating, “Women don’t owe you sh*t.”

She captioned the post, “& that’s on mary had a little lamb.”
Berry replied to followers in the comment section, expressing her feelings about the biases of child support.
“I’ve been paying it for a decade now. I feel if a woman or man is having to pay support that is way more than the reasonable needs to help SUPPORT the child, I think that is wrong!” she wrote.
She added that parenting should be an effort completed by both parents.
“I understand some parents (man or woman) may need help, but I also feel in these modern times both men and women have the responsibility to financially take care of their children and work hard and make every effort to do so,” she said.
She also spoke on her belief that people use child support to supplement the income they can’t earn themselves.
“The way many laws are set up, people are allowed to USE children in order to be awarded money to live a lifestyle that not only did they not earn, but that is way above and beyond the child’s reasonable needs, and that is ‘THE WRONG’ and where I see the abuse,” she said.
She ended the open debate by sympathizing with men who are usually given the short end of the stick by the child support system.
“I can say I’m living it everyday and I can tell you it’s hard. I do totally understand the feelings of those men who feel they are and have been taken advantage of by the system,” she said.
Berry’s passion possibly influenced the outcome of the 2021 payment revision. A little over a month later, her payments were reduced.
The Blast reported that Berry’s payments were lowered to $8,000. She is also ordered to pay the remainder of the retroactive amount of $85,000.
Berry will also continue to pay her daughter’s school tuition and health insurance.
There have been no reports of revision of Berry’s current child support arrangement with the father of her son, Olivier Martinez.
Berry is currently dating R&B singer Van Hunt.


Oh how the tables have turned... Would love to hear what the feminists both male and female on here (especially those pushing for equality) have to say in response to Halle Berry's "new found" understanding of how unfair the child support system is.

Halle is experiencing what an overwhelmingly disproportionate number of men go through. Where is the call for equality when it comes to child support? If they want equality, do away with the system all together or at least as it is. How about, if the man wants 50/50 custody, it's the sole burden of each parent to care and provide for the child when the child is in their care. If the father does not want custody of a child that has been confirmed as biologically (nowadays I question if a child can "identify" as the offspring of someone else and it be given credence) his, only then should he be subject to child support.

She talking bout women don't owe you shit, but had she been in a situation where she was married to Jeff Bezos or someone with that kind of bread... Would her post say "men don't owe you shit?" If I were a betting man and acknowledge that I may be wrong... But she'd likely hit a mofo up for child support, alimony, and take half.

This whole equality talk is such bullshit because anytime a female is held to the standards men are, all that equality talk goes out the window. Mofo's can Kanye me if they like. It's all bullshit.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
Wait, she had a kid with a white dude?

...exits thread.
2 different white dudes....




Rising Star
Platinum Member
One of my best friends just got custody of his son who was being abused by his mother (she was one of these vindictive evil women whose sole purpose was to make his life a living hell... preventing him from seeing his child/constant attempts to increase child support). He will be hitting her for child support and I will be there to put my glass in the air to toast how the damn tables have turned.

It's really nasty out here when it comes to this male/female dynamic in these modern times and while I understand there are many on here who may not gone through this and have happy and fulfilled lives, it's a real thing that women understand that the legal system heavily favors them in most circumstances and will take full advantage of it without any care or concern in terms of the damage done to the man.

I'm not saying that there aren't some assholes out here who keep the "men are dogs" narrative alive, but I know too many GOOD men who want to be fathers who are shut out and ruined by vindictive/entitled women who poison their children.

Yes, men can pick better. But women have and are changing. The media, especially social media, and this world without any morals compass is pushing the narratives that are destroying families and are encouraging women to believe that men aren't needed... Good luck..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The Black female "divesters" on YouTube adhere to an erroneous concept that finding love with men of other races is ultimately preferrable to seeking relationships with Black men.
However; the fact that Ms. Berry dated and chose to procreate with two White men, but now must pay them child support is... illuminating, to say the least.".


Rising Star
Platinum Member

The Black female "divesters" on YouTube adhere to an erroneous concept that finding love with men of other races is ultimately preferrable to seeking relationships with Black men.
However; the fact that Ms. Berry dated and chose to procreate with two White men, but now must pay them child support is... illuminating, to say the least.".


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor

The Black female "divesters" on YouTube adhere to an erroneous concept that finding love with men of other races is ultimately preferrable to seeking relationships with Black men.
However; the fact that Ms. Berry dated and chose to procreate with two White men, but now must pay them child support is... illuminating, to say the least.".
Bump bump bump


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Oh how the tables have turned... Would love to hear what the feminists both male and female on here (especially those pushing for equality) have to say in response to Halle Berry's "new found" understanding of how unfair the child support system is.
The majority of men paying child support are paying it to women who have primary custody of children, in Berry's case she's paying support to men who share custody. When the child is with her, she pays the bills and when the child is with the fathers, she pays the bills.


Immigrant Expat
International Member
The majority of men paying child support are paying it to women who have primary custody of children, in Berry's case she's paying support to men who share custody. When the child is with her, she pays the bills and when the child is with the fathers, she pays the bills.

Lets clear up what you define primary custody as.

Because as far as I know, joint custody involves shared time with the child weekly and shared expenses and i know several men who still pay child support.

The man pays the bills at his house for the child and at hers as well


Immigrant Expat
International Member
It's not typical.

joint custody

legal custody of a child or children that is shared by both parents after divorce or separation.
"the two have joint custody of their sons"

From what i have seen, its very typical. Mother or father cant make decisions like leaving the country, moving out of state etc without permission from the other.

I know several men who have joint custody and still required to make support payments.

If what you said was so easy, then every man would fight for joint custody which is usually awarded unless adverse conditions exist

Its full custody when you dont make any payments to the other party and expect payments in return


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Lets clear up what you define primary custody as.

Because as far as I know, joint custody involves shared time with the child weekly and shared expenses and i know several men who still pay child support.

The man pays the bills at his house for the child and at hers as well
Primary custody is when the child lives with the primary parent all the time and visits the other parent, in Berry's case her kids live with their dad's half of the time.


Immigrant Expat
International Member
Primary custody is when the child lives with the primary parent all the time and visits the other parent, in Berry's case her kids live with their dad's half of the time.

You have joint custody with one parent having primary care and control (lives with them). The other parent still has decision making capabilities and input. This does not absolve financial responsibility

This is different from full custody where there is no input from other party besides financial

I say this to say, several men have joint custody and are still required to pay support.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You have joint custody with one parent having primary care and control (lives with them). The other parent still has decision making capabilities and input. This does not absolve financial responsibility
That's because the child is staying with the primary parent all the time, that's the reason for child support. In Berry's case her children stay with her half the time. She pays when she has them, and she pays when they stay with their dad's.
This is different from full custody where there is no input from other party besides financial
Unless the non-custodial parent gives up their rights, they still have a say in certain things in their child's life.

Typically, when parents share custody, each takes care of the bills when the child stays with them.


Immigrant Expat
International Member
That's because the child is staying with the primary parent all the time, that's the reason for child support.
Typically, when parents share custody, each takes care of the bills when the child stays with them.

Thats the part I disagree with. With Joint custody (with primary care and control), the child does not stay with the primary parent all the time. The other parent might get every weekend, summer holidays and Christmas holidays etc as well and is still required to pay monthly child support.

Halle is sharing custody and splitting time with the child like any other joint custody parent. The issue for her is she is making more money, so she has to pay. This is the typical situation for men all the time, and not some one off thing.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I don't even feel like getting into the back and forth. Bro sound like he is shouting plays from the sideline and ain't never suit up.

@doug777 you really don't know what you are talking about. I live this bruh.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The Black female "divesters" on YouTube adhere to an erroneous concept that finding love with men of other races is ultimately preferrable to seeking relationships with Black men.
However; the fact that Ms. Berry dated and chose to procreate with two White men, but now must pay them child support is... illuminating, to say the least.".