Congratulations on your victory in becoming
Chair. I saw your appearance on
Joe and I wanted to write a short note.

You are at the crucible of a civilizational war. The United States has fallen to an American National Socialist movement in league with our foreign enemies. A half-trillionaire conman is living out his youthful Hitlerian fantasies of capturing North America and traveling to Mars.
There are no politics left. That’s over. You can go one of two ways:
1. Keep pretending this is a political contest and ride this coup all the way to the Fourth Reich without a fight. Stay in Biden’s Alternate Realty and keep performing Kabuki.
2. Do a complete reset on your attitude and approach and realize this is an existential war for the future of humanity.
You won by appealing to the establishment, and frankly, you are not the right person for this job. But nevertheless, you can either transform the Democratic Party into an opposition party — in every sense of the word — or you can pretend it’s still 2008 and try to ride good feelings back into power.
In short, pardon my French, “Yes we Ken!” is not the fucking answer, Ken. Neither was
awkwardly chanting “We will win!” Frankly, it’s embarrassing.
This was a coup. Trump did not “win” an election. He won a war on the election. There is a big difference.
Every Republican since Nixon was elected by cheating. All of them. This time was no different. This time Trump sold his presidency to the richest, and most dangerous, man on Planet Earth — aside from Putin with nukes.
Elon Musk and the “PayPal Mafia” — to include Peter Thiel, David Sacks and Mark Zuckerberg, along with new associate members Jeff Bezos and Satya Nadella — have completely cornered the digital world. Through their collective platforms, they can literally control the reality people live in. The 2024 election was lost because Joe Biden and Kamala Harris paid zero attention to psychological warfare aka propaganda aka “disinformation”. The administration effectively covered up Russian interference in three different elections starting in 2016.
Twitter was turned into a Nazi radicalization pipeline under the Democrats nose. Facebook is a sewer of hate and false information. Now we have Truth Social and Rumble which are dedicated to lies and foreign psychological operations. Telegram is a salad bar of radicalized cults to choose from. Tens of millions of Americans are addicted to hatred in these forums. The best Biden could do was call them “MAGA extremists.”
Not good enough, Ken.
You cannot defeat this enemy with politics. You cannot “message” differently and get through to cult members in your normal channels. You need to think militarily, not politically. You need generals not campaign managers. You need battlefield strategists not political consultants. You need to factor in the numerous ideologies we face that have coalesced into a monster no one in your position has ever seen before. You need to understand how the psychology of cults like MAGA and QAnon work. There’s a lot you don’t know, which is OK, as long as you know you don’t know it.
I’ve been a Democrat for my entire adult life. But my party failed me. It failed all of us. This catastrophe could have been prevented if anyone in power had listened to those of us who warned for years what would happen.
So, we either get off the mat or get rolled over forever. But honestly, to this point it looks like you’re bringing a squirt gun to protect Pearl Harbor.
This is WWIII. It’s been playing out online for a decade. We cannot win a war that we don’t even acknowledge. So what’s it gonna be, Ken? Are you going to be the last establishment Democrat and a footnote of a Nazi takeover of America? Or are you going to be a leader, learn something, and actually try to win the war?
Time’s short, Ken. Choose your adventure.