UPDATE: Donald Trump Takes Office as the 47th US President


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
We are in the here and now. What's your take for the current person in the Whitehouse?

Bruh you are saying that things are the same. I am saying there are lesser of two evils.....which is true.

What you are saying as if both parties are equivalent is bullshit.
Lesser or two evils leaves u with evil. I asked you a question that hasn't been answered...what policies do either of them have that will help black people primarily?

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
The mental illness they are suffering from is so deeply embedded that they are literally championing LGBT rights and anti-American policy and they don’t even see it.

Any fool talking that “who cares?” is suspect. They post more Trump content than Fox News. It is actually sad to see.
Now THIS faggot is one you need to be watching out for.


Vaya Con Dio
BGOL Investor

I was actually JUST thinking about this the day before yesterday. Could totally see them taking this type of next step to go full hog into obvious full-blown racist practices.

They're really doing all they can to make this country as lily white as possible and have white women stay at home and only speak when spoken to.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor

USAID Didn't Pay Celebrities To Travel To Ukraine Despite New Claims​

Stiller was one of several celebrities who appeared in a video, which bore a false E News watermark, alleging that USAID paid them to the travel to Ukraine. The faux news story, widely shared across social media, also claimed Angelina Jolie, Sean Penn, Jean Claude Van Dam and Orlando Bloom were paid millions of dollars to boost Zelensky's popularity.

"These are lies coming from Russian media. I completely self-funded my humanitarian trip to Ukraine. There was no funding from USAID and certainly no payment of any kind. [100] percent false," Stiller (@BenStiller) wrote in response on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter.

Even though this comment is right under the post, I guess you missed it



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yo my man sinus infection and double pneumonia leaves you sick....

How am I saying anything different then you are?????

I asked you that question and you havent answered it.
Because to me they are both pneumonia. For some reason you think Biden is be
No. You pro Trump people agree with him raping and SAing women?
As much as I agree with Bill Clinton getting head in the oval office or his multiple rape allegations


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Lesser or two evils leaves u with evil. I asked you a question that hasn't been answered...what policies do either of them have that will help black people primarily?
Since you moving goal posts. Let's flip that. Which one has policies that will hurt black people primarily?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Because to me they are both pneumonia. For some reason you think Biden is be

As much as I agree with Bill Clinton getting head in the oval office or his multiple rape allegations
Hey bro trust me double pneumonia will have you in the ICU.....

A sinus infection will still have you picking your ass on your home couch.

Wake up motherfucker......

You ask what has Biden done for black people

Look at what Trump has done to black people godammit.

Down in the DMV I have seen blacks making it.

This motherfucker is threatening the livelihood of these black people....my fucking people....

FOH with your bullshit.