This is the answer, Big Tex!! I've been hearing every kind of theory about what happened to the Democratic Party since November 6, and this is the answer!!!! Since 1968, the Democratic Party has been trying to be "Republican-Lite," trying to appeal to a group of people who left them in 1968 for Richard Nixon and George fucking Wallace, and that includes Obama, Harris, and especially Clinton. They constantly speak to "unions" and "the Middle Class," yet they literally will not utter the words poor or poverty in any of their messaging. Ever! Yet, that's the reality millions of their potential black and brown voters are living in all over Chicago, in Houston, in Newark, in Cleveland, in Gary, and in rural areas all over the country. While they are constantly going after "soccer moms" and union members, they won't even speak to the people who should be at the very heart of their voting base. Consequently, these folks stay at home, election after election after election. Dr. William Barber has been trying, without much success, to get the Democratic Party to spend more of their time and money targeting these folks, and they simply won't do it. Yet, these are the same areas Republicans relentlessly target for voter suppression year after year. They know these areas, if they are ever politically energized, would bring on their destruction. The problem is, the Democratic Party doesn't realize it.