UPDATE: Donald Trump Takes Office as the 47th US President
I Ing4life Rising Star BGOL Investor Yesterday at 12:58 PM #40,707 Camille said: Click to expand... He is back to his kids in cages stage now.
Camille Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid Staff member Yesterday at 1:07 PM #40,710 Now's the time for the Democrats to demoralize Trump voters Think of it as a humanitarian effort. www.editorialboard.com
Now's the time for the Democrats to demoralize Trump voters Think of it as a humanitarian effort. www.editorialboard.com
Dr. Truth 보지를 먹어라 BGOL Investor Yesterday at 1:15 PM #40,714 Camille said: Click to expand... Why this guy got a badge on ? He a security guard?
easy_b Easy_b is in the place to be. BGOL Investor Yesterday at 1:21 PM #40,716 This administration is going to get sowed up the Ying Yang
FLoss Call 1-866-DHS-2-ICE to report suspicious activity BGOL Investor Yesterday at 1:34 PM #40,717 "IF YOU DON'T LEARN HOW TO WORK WITH THESE PEOPLE THEN YOU AIN'T BLACK" Last edited: Yesterday at 1:45 PM
CoTtOnMoUf DUMBED DOWN TO BLEND IN BGOL Legend Yesterday at 2:42 PM #40,731 Supersav said: Click to expand...
FLoss Call 1-866-DHS-2-ICE to report suspicious activity BGOL Investor Yesterday at 2:42 PM #40,732 "IF YOU DON'T LEARN HOW TO WORK WITH THESE PEOPLE THEN YOU AIN'T BLACK"
CoTtOnMoUf DUMBED DOWN TO BLEND IN BGOL Legend Yesterday at 2:53 PM #40,739 DC_Dude said: Click to expand... Ok. This has to be a joke, right?