UPDATE: Donald Trump Takes Office as the 47th US President


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member

Why do people keep saying "old white men" when it's white people period.

White women may not have all the power but they sure benefit from the system.

People act like white women have a clean history in this country when they don't. It's amazing,how lying on black men for most of this country's history,killing black people especially black children then turn around and act they never done anything horrible in their history. Somehow, people blatantly ignore all that.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The cool part is, it’s gonna end up being millions. There’s a lot of he-panics in homes with only one or two names on the deed or lease. And if it’s often one or two incomes supporting all of em, so if they snatch one at work, the rest of the household can’t survive. If they snatch one and grandma is home alone, they will have to tell human services or let them die. Entire families will have to self-deport or starve.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

He didn’t bamboozle anyone. That’s giving the coons who voted for Trump an out. Blacks who voted for Trump are backstabbing, self-hating fools. They weren’t tricked, they were given permission to believe they are better than “those” blacks. There’s a lack of intelligence and integrity with black republicans. They are worse than people who don’t vote. I know two women who voted for Trump, one is a hoe and the other wants to be an influencer and just took a “break” from college while on scholarship. Two dumb bitches. The 3 black friends I had are all either deadbeat dads, street hustlers or a Carlton Banks type. None of the 5 I listed were duped. They see themselves in Trump.
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