UPDATE: Donald Trump Takes Office as the 47th US President


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
he literally said shes a fucking bitch at the end of the clip

I listened again I don't think he did but I'd like to be wrong.

I think with his breathing and speaking low it makes him say "fucking bad" sound like "fucking bitch."


Uncle Juice
BGOL Investor



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That’s intersting.

Seems like some of the GOP is ready to bury Trump and reclaim their party. They still need to weed out the MAGA representatives in office, but they see that Trump is crippling them severely.
If Trump's political power ever gets completely neutered, the maga reps will quietly fall in line. Look how quiet a lot of them got immediately after Jan 6th. It wasn't until the public started to forget about it and the media let Trump convince folks we didn't see what we saw that the maghat repubs started talking shit again.

A to Dah K

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
lemme ask you something
peep this - we all know this shit with rittenhouse

heres how the day started






how the day ended

now that said re- read Trumps post


something should leap out to you ....

who did Trump murder?

like seriously?/ im telling you this dude tells on himself ALL the time- - why would you say someone" murdered more people than you.." especially if you never murdered anybody??

who says such a thing

and why would you say that you supported a guy who you think murdered people ????


can someone PLEASE point this out to the media... an ask Trump

just how many more people did Rittenhouse murder)( ....than the one guy he killed) than you Donald Trump?

(cough )ex wife buried on the golf course ivanna ( cough )

All the people that died during covid is who he murdered with his lack of urgency to act