UPDATE: Donald Trump Takes Office as the 47th US President


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Address what... the fact that economies ebb and flow? If you live long enough you'll experience the cycle..but the condition of the economy isn't you're real motivation for the post.
No my real motivation was to show that Kamala and the Democrats are to blame

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
You typed a Colin Powell level of shit to weasel out of just saying my bad. You tried to buttress Donald's point about Harris. Due to my superior intellect you know recognize Donald was full of shit and some of that shit splashed on you. Do bedda.

If a single paragraph of text is "Colin Powell level", then you're even more cognitively challenged than I realized! I guess anything more than 140 characters is beyond your capacity.

YOU made the conversation about who Larry Summers was, not me. I simply pointed out that he was the guy who the leaders of your party and the presidents you voted for had appointed to leading economic positions. Straight facts.


Rising Star
What difference does it make to you you're not voting for anyone...I mean you aren't voting for either presidential candidate right???
:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:
He (it) is here to disrupt. ( See an earlier post, where I verbally handed him his ass).

Arguing with him, asking him to make his bovine excrement make sense, are efforts that just play into his game. He wants to raise doubt. Period. That is his purpose. To get you to either vote for a nazi, or discourage you from voting at all. This is why he never explains his reasoning- he has none.

Some people, although assholes, are fun to argue with once in a while. He does not even amount to that.

I am not alone in my opinion.
