Unless you want to discuss who you're voting for president don't tag me on your bullshit.
@DC_Dude you posted that the firefighters did not endorsed Kamala Harris.
I tell you these "working class whites" ie poor white trash are the same folks they have always been. Racist to the core.
This is my only reason why I still don't think she will win is because at the end of the day white people are gonna white
Trump supports say all the time the economy under Trump was better. But whenever I point out to them that unemployment (which is an economic indicator) has consistently stayed lower under Biden (3.9%-4.3%) than it was at its lowest under Trump (5.3%), they move the goalpost.
As a data scientist, I must point out that 2020 was an outlier on overall unemployment (I was furloughed because of Covid) and we can’t pretend it didn’t happen. By doing so, it creates a bias on how data is interpreted.
The only way that chart can make sense with less bias is going back at least another 10 years.
If Trump loses, he will be a paid Coon in his eyes. Money has become GOD in the eyes of manyAnd what happens if Trump loses?
What’s the rest of his legacy?
I’m afraid to ask how far would he go if Trump wins?
As Donald Trump pledges to deport all immigrants within the U.S. without legal status, a new report by the American Immigration Council, finds any mass deportation effort in a one-time operation could cost the federal government at least $315 billion. Adriel D. Orozco, senior policy counsel with the American Immigration Council, joins
to explain the findings.
Putting faith in white women is something I’ve been posting about for years.