I'm speaking of Netanyahu not Michigan. I don't know anything about the demographics in Mi.
Then, respectfully, I suggest you do a little research.
The LARGEST population of arabs outside of the middle east centers around DETROIT.
Chaldeans: catholic arabs (primarily from Iraq) who own ALL of the liquor stores, convenience stores (we call them "party stores" in Detroit), all the cannibus outlets and gas stations and they have grown extremely wealthy preying on the Black community. There is NO Kroger in Detroit. The city just recently got a Meijers, LITERALLY ON THE EDGE OF THE CITY'S BORDER. There is ONE (1) Whole Foods, in an affluent neighborhood (the Wayne State University area). If you want a beer, you have to buy from a Chaldean, or drive, catch a bus, or walk your ass off.
Until very recently, it was not uncommon to walk into one of their stores and see pornographic DVDs for sale just above or next to the candy counter (can you say kids?).
They have repeated brutalized, even murdered black men for defending their underage children from their untoward advances, or allegedly lifting a twinkie from one of their stores.
The muslim arabs ALSO live primarily in Dearborn Heights and Dearborn. They DO NOT SOCIALIZE WITH BLACK PEOPLE. PERIOD. Consider these are the same people who have conducted raids that include rape and murder upon the BLACK POPULATIONS OF SUDAN.
The respect they have for women, muslim and catholic, could only be expressed in negative digits.
This is not hyperbole.
70% of chaldeans supported tRump in the LAST ELECTION.
Now, Rashida and her hench-arabs, are fucking with our elections. They say it is all about Gaza, which is BULLSHIT.
They are voting for Jill Stein because the very idea of being governed by a Black woman is a bridge way, way to far for them. They LITERALLY consider the idea to be an abomination.
What the hell do you expect from a culture that demands that women be COVERED in public, and walk several paces behind ANY many in their company? Even their male kids treat their mothers like shit, because THEY have the upper hand because they are male.
I welcome opposing opinions. I have watched this bullshit develop for DECADES, FIRST hand.
Just sayin'.