eople have been asking, so I'll answer: what do I think of Kamala Harris? I think she fucking sucks. She's a DEI dingbat and a closeted socialist. Her behavior as a prosecutor was sociopathic.
However (BIG however), Trump has explicitly stated he wants to terminate or suspend the Constitution. That is just 1000% unacceptable to me. What he has verbatim pledged to do is considerably worse that whatever monster Harris *might* turn out to be. So, I'm going to hold my nose and eat the shit sandwich by voting Democrat for the first time in my life.
My thinking is, we can undo the damage from 4 years of Harris. Heck, we may even be able to hold her in check by electing a GOP congress so the gridlock keeps both sides from getting anything done.
But we will never be able to undo the sort of damage Trump wants to inflict. Once we've strayed too far from the Constitution's limits on state power, it will become a meaningless piece of paper and we'll never go back to any concept of restrained government.
And the Supreme Court's ruling - issued by judges that Trump himself appointed - that a president has almost no accountability whatsoever just dumps gasoline on the uncontrolled fire of authoritarianism. Now, more than ever, character matters - because in the absence of any other legal restraint, the president's own character is the only goddamn thing keeping him/her from abusing us.
We all watched Trump attempt a coup on Jan 6 to stay in power. He's reckless, he's dangerous, and he has no respect for our Constitution or the will of American voters. Usurping the sovereignty of the people is COMPLETELY antithetical America's founding principles, and it's not possible for him to lower taxes enough to make me overlook that.
If one wants to trade one's voice in government for lower taxes, fine. Move to one of the places where that's already a reality, like the Persian Gulf states. Live under a king and pay no taxes.
But don't mess up our country. The rest of us want the people to maintain ultimate authority over politicians.