It makes my blood boil to see black people walk into these (formerly) green meat selling stores calling the arab owners "moms" and "pops".
Right NOW, in a city about 80% black, arabs own the following industries:
All the convenience stores.
All the gas stations.
A local pizza chain.
ALL the cannibus dispensaries.
ALL of the local supermarkets. Even the market on Michigan Avenue that everybody thinks is is actually owned by racist fucking arabs. They employ a lot of Mexicans, and people think it is a Mexican supermarket. It is not.
The shitty outsourced housekeeping company that now does janitorial work for DPSCD (the school district).
The same company referenced above now provides all the building engineers for the district as well. They routinely display utter contempt for their biggest client, the Detroit school district.
And the ENTIRE school board is black, and female.
And the superintendent is a white man.
I do NOT in any way condone genocide. However, I think Jews get something
African Americans don't seem to get. Fuck with Jews, you will get your ass kicked.
Fuck with the Black community, they see both sides because even someone who rapes your wife and enslaves your kids is a human being.
What the fuck...?