So post the Palestinian voices that are advocating they sacrifice their own well being for ours.“The Palestinians” don’t speak with one voice. This is Racism 101.
You expect children overseas to care about you? They’re children! Grow the fuck up.
So post the Palestinian voices that are advocating they sacrifice their own well being for ours.
No matter who is president, Israel is getting money. The support of Israel is mixed in with religious doctrine on the GOP side (I will bless those who bless you, curse those who curse you). The standoff in congress wasn't over supporting Israel, the GOP didn't want to fund Ukraine.
The only chance Gaza or any other marginalized people has is to have someone in charge here who gives a damn, and that's not Trump. He isn't going to insist on humanitarian aid or attempt to rein Israel in. He has already said they need to do what they need to do.
Muslims supporting him are also stupid. He doesn't want them here and if Stephen Miller gets his way, any who are immigrants will get their citizenship revoked. Democrats are thenones that defended them and tried to get them treated with dignity. The GOP sees them as poisoning the blood of America. They see Muslims as terrorists or religious fanatics. They don't have any friends in the GOP.
"Sacrifice their own well being for ours." That is a stupid and unrealistic frame and this conversation is not worth my time.
Black people are like 12% of this country and the percentage decreases more and more every decade. MLK's preaching of solidarity benefits black people as a minority, your divisiveness would only lead to bad outcomes for a small minority group that needs to work with others. You have a white man's ideology with none of the power.
"Sacrifice their own well being for ours." That is a stupid and unrealistic frame and this conversation is not worth my time.
Black people are like 12% of this country and the percentage decreases more and more every decade. MLK's preaching of solidarity benefits black people as a minority, your divisiveness would only lead to bad outcomes for a small minority group that needs to work with others. You have a white man's ideology with none of the power.
Arabs are demanding we vote aagainst our well being for theirs. But that doesn't bother you AT ALL. This is like the 3rd time I've asked you to post proof of your bullshit and it always stop being "worth your time" lmao.
Your idea of solidarity is for us to sacrifice for them and for them to never sacrifice for us. So I'll pass on your leftist idea of solidarity. We don't need to sacrifice for solidarity with a group of people that can only get help from us, but can't help us at all. That makes no sense.
You have a far left ideology with the exact same lack of power.
Arabs are demanding we vote aagainst our well being for theirs. But that doesn't bother you AT ALL. This is like the 3rd time I've asked you to post proof of your bullshit and it always stop being "worth your time" lmao.
Your idea of solidarity is for us to sacrifice for them and for them to never sacrifice for us. So I'll pass on your leftist idea of solidarity. We don't need to sacrifice for solidarity with a group of people that can only get help from us, but can't help us at all. That makes no sense. If you were really wanting to forge strategic alliances, you would be advocating solidarity with Latinos and not Arabs.
You point to our 12% of the country and say we need an allowance with a group that's 1%? LMAO
You have a far left ideology with the exact same lack of power.
They WILL hit on your 13 year old daughter trying to buy
candy in one of their stores.
They WILL sell liquor and loose cigarettes to your teenage children.
Arabs are the ones demanding our sacrifice. That's what started this entire conversation. And you keep spinning. Now all of a sudden you're talking about MLK and Vietnam.Black opposition to the Vietnam war wasn't about sacrifice, it was about doing the right thing.
Are you moronic enough to think sending billions to Israel to kill Palestinians benefits us???
Doing the right thing now requires ZERO sacrifice.
Much the opposite, we are sacrificing right now to be Israel's bitch! We would be better off spending that money here!
Arabs are the ones demanding our sacrifice. That's what started this entire conversation. And you keep spinning. Now all of a sudden you're talking about MLK and Vietnam.
So to get back to the point, Arabs demand we sacrifice our own best interests and let Trump win. And I'm telling them they can fuck right off.
Puerto Ricans aren’t allowed to vote in the presidential election.Once again, you Latin people for Trump got a huge wake up call today and Puerto Rico is a US territory. You are a bit of vote for Democrats straight down the ballot.
I don't have a dog in that fight either way. My people have issues here in this country and that's what my focus is. You have the mind of a child if you can't understand that just because someone isn't on your crusade it means they support Israel.Arabs don’t speak with one voice. And you have the mind of a child if you support ethnic cleansing because you saw some tweets you don’t like.
@Big Tex ignored this when I posted it in response to him in another thread because he wants to pretend all Arabs oppose Harris — it’s a lie and he knows it— but here is an Uncommitted leader on why he is voting for Harris:
I don't have a dog in that fight either way. My people have issues here in this country and that's what my focus is. You have the mind of a child if you can't understand that just because someone isn't on your crusade it means they support Israel.
We shouldn't be sending any money or weapons to Israel on GP. They should hold their own nuts, but that's way, way, way down on my priority list.
And Any Arabs that think I should hurt my people to help them, can again, fuck right off. Any any leftist as well.
Black opposition to the Vietnam war wasn't about sacrifice, it was about doing the right thing.
Are you moronic enough to think sending billions to Israel to kill Palestinians benefits us???
Doing the right thing now requires ZERO sacrifice.
Much the opposite, we are sacrificing right now to be Israel's bitch! We would be better off spending that money here!
Once again, any Arab demanding we hurt ourselves to help them can fuck right off.
Puerto Ricans aren’t allowed to vote in the presidential election.
If they reside within the 50 states yes they can vote. Dude created his own October surprise with that joke. Good for themPuerto Ricans aren’t allowed to vote in the presidential election.