UPDATE: Donald Trump Takes Office as the 47th US President


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor

This geek with the glasses is the new Turtle aka Mitch McConnell.

They’re about to do some crazy shit with the electoral process that goes all the way to their bought and paid for Supreme Court.

Hope Dems and specifically Biden is ready to use those KING powers to put an end to the B.S.. if they try to and I’m sure they would use some crap to circumvent the will of the voting populace to try and put there guy in then effectively it’s the end of America as we know it and what’s crazy is Russia did it without firing a single shot!!

I don’t know why Republicans still want to touch Obama care, white people love that damn thing now and it’s very convenient for everyone, especially if you are a contractor. You seen what Florida did when they did insurance reform it made things a lot worse so yeah you all know what to do.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Both dems and reps benefit from Obamacare, so what other reason than he is being paid off by big pharma and Insurance lobbies to kill it is there?

Republican politicians hate Obamacare because it's a constant reminder of democrat success. If you take off the Obamacare name even the racist white people like the fact they get health care. They've been constantly trying to repeal it because it reminds Republican politicians that their ideas don't really work and it makes hard for them to say how bad the Democrats are because people love it.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
And the replacement is going to be back to the olds days on top of privatizing Medicare where insurance companies can make decisions on services.
I remember this chic I knew got pregnant back in the day and did not have insurance but when she tried to get insurance she was turned down because insurance didn't want to pay the bill. How quickly people forget how shitty insurance companies are :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I remember this chic I knew got pregnant back in the day and did not have insurance but when she tried to get insurance she was turned down because insurance didn't want to pay the bill. How quickly people forget how shitty insurance companies are :smh:

Now imagine if Medicare get privatize and your grandmother needs medical care, but the insurance company says naw...Or better yet, someone's disabled son needs some sort of medical care and the insurance company saying yup we are not paying for that....

Medicare not only covers those in retirement age, but also people with disabilities......


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor

I don’t know how any Puerto Rican could be leaning towards Trump before those garbage phrase was uttered at his rally. But better late than never, but you guys seriously need to pay attention to the most Black people we’ve been down this road too many times in this country you should listen to us next time…. And the old saying goes when they come after you there may be nobody else around to save you.