UPDATE: Donald Trump Takes Office as the 47th US President


Rising Star
BGOL Legend


Rising Star
Platinum Member

Quite symbolic

If Trump can shoot a person a person in the face and not lose his base supporters, then VP Harris should get no more than a collective shrug from her diehard voters, even IF there is vid footage of her getting DP'ed, while twerking to country songs playing in the background. IDGAF. Not a single iota.

Clearly, this is the projection of what MAGA-land tried to sell concerning folks filling ARENAS and Historic SPIKES of volunteers signing up to do voter canvasing for VP Harris, but the reality is Elon selling lottery tickets for votes and paid non-volunteers, who otherwise don't give a shit about the sinking ship: "fuck you, pay me!!" :lol: :roflmao3:

VA is playing with fire. The 34-OUNT SUPER FELON Bad Boy won't save those involved from the fallout after the Election dust settles.


Rising Star

im sorry but these kinds of videos and stuff listing all the shit Trump has done / said and how theya re "bad" for women

its a waste of time-

women ( white women ) are choosing Trump for the same reason that Men ( white men) choose him --

its howTrump makes them feel

if you have a daughter - you ever try to convince her about some guy and how much and how bad he is for her?

what happens - that generally makes them make the effort to be with them MORE - they dont heed your warnings and advisements and how you point out how much of a cheat or a liar or selfish or just a scumbag the guy is

they want to be with him even more - and its all because of how he makes them FEEL

this is the same with Trump and the women and men that want to vote for him - his bullshit his lies and claim no matter how lame or outlandish or just funking absurd they are ....they discount it and blame it on him not getting a fair break or that youre just against him like the world is.....

stop making these appeals to logic - because why people want to vote for Trump has NOTHING to do with "logic" and has everything to do with rationalization.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Just started following Chris, but damn I hope he is right


That would be epic.

Very plausible

Weak ass bitch

Yep, that's what can be expected from a person who is ashamed of their native name.