im sorry but these kinds of videos and stuff listing all the shit Trump has done / said and how theya re "bad" for women
its a waste of time-
women ( white women ) are choosing Trump for the same reason that Men ( white men) choose him --
its howTrump makes them feel
if you have a daughter - you ever try to convince her about some guy and how much and how bad he is for her?
what happens - that generally makes them make the effort to be with them MORE - they dont heed your warnings and advisements and how you point out how much of a cheat or a liar or selfish or just a scumbag the guy is
they want to be with him even more - and its all because of how he makes them FEEL
this is the same with Trump and the women and men that want to vote for him - his bullshit his lies and claim no matter how lame or outlandish or just funking absurd they are ....they discount it and blame it on him not getting a fair break or that youre just against him like the world is.....
stop making these appeals to logic - because why people want to vote for Trump has NOTHING to do with "logic" and has everything to do with rationalization.