UPDATE: Donald Trump Takes Office as the 47th US President


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Wouldn't this be be EPIC! LOL



Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Why didnt they report the Trump/Epstein audio tapes either..

I don't know. I would think those would be harder to verify as authentic, but what I've seen of the reports, it's not related to anybody the sexual stuff anyway. Just Epstein having info and commentary about the WH long after Trump supposedly cut ties with him. Not a smoking gun, imo. I'm also not going to listen to 100 hours if they are ever released in full.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Meanwhile black kids across America sit in the shittiest schools as America is Israel’s bitch and sends billions to kill Palestinian kids instead of helping ours.

And you all think that’s something to celebrate. :smh::smh::smh::smh:

Black kids sitting bad schools and leftists wanted Black people to withhold their vote knowing that Trump would get in. The same Trump who says he wants to get rid of the Department of Education.

Almost every time you post you prove how stupid leftists are and you never even see it.

Every time you use an example that involves anything Black your ass needs to remember that leftist wanted black people to vote third party or not at all.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

WHAT IS GOING ON with Kamala Harris and Donald Trump in Iowa? You know how I feel about any one individual poll, especially this close to election day. Polls have been more and more inaccurate for years, and if anything they get even more inaccurate just before the election. All that said, one new poll has been released that’s such an earthquake, it can’t be ignore. The Ann Selzer poll in Iowa has a history of being notoriously accurate. It was just released today, and it has Kamala Harris ahead of Donald Trump by three points in Iowa. This is, somehow, not a typo. This highly reputable poll has Kamala winning Iowa. This is a state where Trump won by eight points in 2020. Let’s all take a step back and a deep breath and assign some qualifiers to this. As I said at the top, polling in general is less reliable than ever. And no, I don’t think this means Kamala is necessarily going to win Iowa. But here’s the thing. Let’s say hypothetically that this poll is off by five points, which would be a lot given its history. Even in such case, that would only put Trump by two in Iowa in the best case scenario for him. And if Trump only wins Iowa by two points, it’s almost impossible to imagine him winning in Wisconsin, or Michigan, or Pennsylvania, or really any swing state. So even when you account for a large margin of error, this new poll is essentially telling us that Kamala is going to win every swing state and is going to compete in some red-leaning states. That is… a lot to chew on. But this Iowa thing didn’t come out of nowhere. Remember a few weeks ago when two Republican-held House seats in Iowa were suddenly reclassified as toss-up races? The state has been trending in this direction for weeks. Kamala (supposedly) taking the lead in Iowa is merely the culmination of what we’ve been seeing in the state. Speaking of Iowa, this new poll means that we must jump on the two competitive House races there. The Democratic candidates are
. Do whatever you can to show them last minute support. Donate, phone bank, follow and retweet them on Twitter, whatever you can. Even if Kamala doesn’t win Iowa, we now know that these two House seats in Iowa are up for grabs – and two seats could decide the House majority. Earlier in the week we saw a different poll that had Trump ahead by just three points in Ohio. Again, it’s just one poll, and it’s silly season. That said, if Trump were to win Ohio by just three points, Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown – who’s more popular in his state than the rest of the Democratic Party is – would likely win reelection. So now’s the time to make a final push behind
. The bottom line is don’t start popping champagne yet. Buy a bottle if you want. But don’t dare open it. We still need to spend all day Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday getting more people to vote for Kamala Harris. Even if these latest polls are correct and she is going to win the election, we need it to be decisive. So let’s get out these final three days and run up the score. Let's win it all! Help us build Palmer Report into the kind of juggernaut that can directly take on the mainstream political media in 2024 and beyond: