UPDATE: Donald Trump Takes Office as the 47th US President


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Idk I wouldn't compare the Obama campaign to this, not saying she didn't do well but Obama was cutting pipe bomb level promos and was over like Roman reigns(oh no the mark on me is bleeding into other threads lol) I don't see the same movement, especially around this shit hole.(Which you abandoned to go live somewhere sane :angry: ) Florida is dark red now

But I hope to God, Buddha, Krishna, and Darth Vader that you're right.
I miss it especially on cold days. LMAO it's 80 degrees outside right now in Buffalo, NY.
If Trump loses Florida he's gonna try to escape like Zartan.
LMAO right into the FL swamp where he belongs.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yes, it was before early voting started. His prediction for early voting did not go as anticipated.

Now? Republicans added 20k to their lead in the last hour. And Broward county (super big, and super blue) has the lowest turnout in the state.

Well? It is what it is...Florida and S.Florida fucking around like usual. Hopefully a good percentage of those R's are saying Fuck Trump!