UPDATE: Donald Trump Takes Office as the 47th US President


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Said it before, I thought Trump was the only reason the Dems had a chance...incumbent parties don't win with people suffering with inflation the way they currently are...seems like even with Trump's crazy ass it came down to the economy as it always does...lot of people dislike Trump and still voted for him because they think he will do a better job with the economy (he won't, the issues are systemic)

It's not over yet but it's getting to hail mary/ lucky punch territory


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor

That race really caught me by surprise and you know what a lot of these poor ass racist white people are going to have to learn a lesson in Black people if you have money save up because I don’t know how the fuck this is going to go. I’m really really disgusted with most of white America tonight and a few coons. Like I said I feel Kamala is going to barely win, but it’s going to be real tough to get shit through the Senate right now. Also, if Kamala don’t win, Russia is going to have a good time with the Ukraine and other countries around its borders. I’m not over reacting. I’m just picturing what could happen if shit don’t go right. Also the elephant in the room I don’t think most of you follow this, but Nostradamus predicted some strange shit in 2025.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
If this is true and Latinos are now becoming the "dominant" minority in America, it would behoove the Democratic Party not to run a woman at the top of the ticket again. Even though I believe that a woman can be president, if they want to win the presidency, you have to look at a woman, just like you look at a gay male...don't do it. You now know where the lines are drawn and this is twice now (especially after the crap Trump pulled during Covid) that we have seen people for what they are. Whether Harris wins or not, this has changed my view of our "allies". Some good people may get swept up in this, but Fuck 'em. A lesson has been learned by me today.

It’s sad, some gotta learn the hard way!!!



Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
You would've cooked with this statement if it wasn't for one little thing -- America is racist af.

It's sooo much easier to fuck Black people over than it is to help us. Not saying Biden was perfect, he wasn't, but anything you believe he should've done for Black people is so much harder to get through than anything that would either not help or even actively hurt us.

We need to stop thinking like this. Black issues aren’t any harder or less popular to fight for that Trans, LBGTQ, or Immigrant issues. The difference is that we have low expectations. Biden and Harris didn’t really address us because they felt they didn’t have to.


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Whomever Dems select in 2028 as their candidate, they need to pull back from Tranny support among other issues. If Chump, who didn’t even give examples of policy, wins because “the economy“ and not being for “they/them” then Dems really need to consider a new platform. Most Americans are more concerned with economic issues than they are about Tranny rights.


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
If this is true and Latinos are now becoming the "dominant" minority in America, it would behoove the Democratic Party not to run a woman at the top of the ticket again. Even though I believe that a woman can be president, if they want to win the presidency, you have to look at a woman, just like you look at a gay male...don't do it. You now know where the lines are drawn and this is twice now (especially after the crap Trump pulled during Covid) that we have seen people for what they are. Whether Harris wins or not, this has changed my view of our "allies". Some good people may get swept up in this, but Fuck 'em. A lesson has been learned by me today.
This was a valuable and eye opening lesson for democrats today. The inclusion play needs to end and they need to grow and backbone and run a crass and disrespectful individual next time.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
Joy Reid just got through saying white women are to blame.

It was on every media outlet for weeks when Obama said that about Brothas. I’m seeing this on BGOL and BGOL only. Watch it get swept under the rug. Really women had better reasons to vote for Harris than Black folks did. They have issues on the table that affect them directly, he has said clearly sexist things and sexually assaulted women. The difference is that we as Black folks are much quicker to attack each other and support attacks against each other than other groups.


Vaya Con Dio
BGOL Investor
It is crazy seeing for scared many of you are of this Trump presidency when you argued how little power Biden had as president when it came to Black issues. Biden didn’t do anything for us as President. Kamala said she won’t do anything for us as well. Many of you tried to give a political science lecture why Biden couldn’t do anything for us. Now Trump is president and you are acting like he has all the power in the world. Think about it.
In my opinion, one of the major black issues is student loan forgiveness. Under the Biden administration, they made it possible for many of us to get out of that financial hellscape, and would have helped many more had the other party's disciples not gotten involved out of greed.

I'm sure there are other issues, and I'm sure you have your own that may not have been addressed... but there are many on this board that are proof of being positively impacted under this regime.

Meanwhile, Chump gave us Nancy DeVos, and who knows who else next if he wins...
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Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
We need to stop thinking like this. Black issues aren’t any harder or less popular to fight for that Trans, LBGTQ, or Immigrant issues. The difference is that we have low expectations. Biden and Harris didn’t really address us because they felt they didn’t have to.
Fighting is one thing. Winning is another. You can fight for anything you want. That doesn't mean you're going to win.

Here's a challenge for you -- name a single issue that would greatly benefit Black people especially that's popular and would be an easy win.

There are a lot progressive issues that would benefit everyone that are popular but none that would disproportionately help Black people.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Whomever Dems select in 2028 as their candidate, they need to pull back from Tranny support among other issues. If Chump, who didn’t even give examples of policy, wins because “the economy“ and not being for “they/them” then Dems really need to consider a new platform. Most Americans are more concerned with economic issues than they are about Tranny rights.
Exactly, it’s not like being they them etc got you a tax break or into Harvard for free


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
This was a valuable and eye opening lesson for democrats today. The inclusion play needs to end and they need to grow and backbone and run a crass and disrespectful individual next time.
Democrats ran a good campaign. It’s just too many stupid and racist people. A lot of people going to have to learn a hard lesson in the next couple of months. Pennsylvania is looking really shaky right now. I hate saying this, but I just looked at it and good grief. The fucked up thing is Trump really fucked over a lot of these poor white people, especially in middle of America and yet they still voted for him.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
This was a valuable and eye opening lesson for democrats today. The inclusion play needs to end and they need to grow and backbone and run a crass and disrespectful individual next time.
I'm not sure if this is the way...but Trump is what America deserves at this point. If America goes to hell and back, it will be our own fault and I don't want to hear any crying and complaining when there's a national abortion ban in place or anything else. For people in this country we have to adapt and adjust. At this point, it has nothing to do with democrats, it has to do with us(americans) and how we move going forward. I dont want to hear about certain cities and states not getting aid because their in blue states or states that didn't vote for Trump. He told you what he was going to do. So it is what it is at this point. I'm not being dramatic, but to paraphrase Omarion, an Icebox has grown where a heart used to be :smh: We are no longer "a shining city on a hill"