UPDATE: Donald Trump Takes Office as the 47th US President


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nah I really thought u was semi intelligent..that wasn't what she was saying at all...

She also retweeted this which aligns with what she is saying..you disappointed me with your lack of understanding.. @VAiz4hustlaz was right about you

Nigga you have truly lost a screw....lol..that comment about buckshot has nothing to do with the election...dumbnigga got triggered by the truth and now you're posting tweets about something completely different. :rolleyes: :lol:at least post it in the buckshot thread to stay on topic...dumbnigga


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nigga you have truly lost a screw....lol..that comment about buckshot has nothing to do with the election...dumbnigga got triggered by the truth and now you're posting tweets about something completely different. :rolleyes: :lol:at least post it in the buckshot thread to stay on topic...dumbnigga
Yea you're slow...of course it has nothing to do with the election...it has everything to do with you and what you think about "*******" as you called them. You said "you know the difference" I don't and I don't view my people as separate


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yea you're slow...of course it has nothing to do with the election...it has everything to do with you and what you think about "*******" as you called them. You said "you know the difference" I don't and I don't view my people as separate
Then post it in the right fuckin topic numb nuts


The Legend
BGOL Investor
If you believe the things I mentioned weren't some of the issues successfully used to help win, you delusional.

Says someone that doesn't know the definition of the words they use. You sound just like MAGA.


characterized by or holding false beliefs or judgments about external reality that are held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, typically as a symptom of a mental condition.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
So it begins...

Both sides right?



Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member

Why do people keep talking about the men but ignoring Hispanic and white women that voted for that piece of shit too...

For whatever reason, nobody ain't saying nothing about those two groups. Hell,white women voted for that piece of shit three times and that's not being talked about enough.

:smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh:

Some TRUSSTED her? :lol::roflmao2:

Well, of course she did. She use to hang out at one of Elon Musk's houses. Perhaps she finds Trump, and/or his surrogates to be "charming", perhaps? :dunno:

“Then there are the unassumingly charming white men with human color skin, visible necks, healthy cholesterol levels and full heads of hair,” she wrote. “When I close my eyes and kiss them they smell like sugar cookie and their lips taste like marshmallows.”

Let's be real are we really surprised about her voting for him....

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
Nah I really thought u was semi intelligent..that wasn't what she was saying at all...

She also retweeted this which aligns with what she is saying..you disappointed me with your lack of understanding.. @VAiz4hustlaz was right about you

You should know by now that is that geechiedanielle is just hormonal and argumentative! She’ll misinterpret what you say, then argue against her own misinterpretation, or pull from multiple posts and conversations to try to “win” a discussion she “lost” previously. :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
“Democracy will end and there will never be another election if Trump wins.”

I’ve heard that a couple times

Follow up to my post above.
That was Oprah who said we will never vote again if Trump is elected.
Look, everyone got thru four years of Trump before. Will survive again.
Trump is not a King. He can't change the constitution on his own.
DACA, the Wall -- The Supreme Court and other Republicans blocked him for doing what he wanted
and that's when Republican controlled Congress.



The Legend
BGOL Investor
They are actually planning this time to slaughter. It's smart to move silently and pop out with full force.

Maybe next time a Obama comes around with full control Democrats actually do the same thing. That's a big if, Trump already told y'all you will never need to vote again.

Listen to the devil when he tries to show you who he is.

Since when does Trump do anything smart or plan anything? I bet his ass is golfing.