UPDATE: Donald Trump Takes Office as the 47th US President


Rising Star
BGOL Legend


Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
It shows the country is pretty enthusiastic about him. Unless you have evidence voting machines were hacked ,it's just conspiracies and then you start to sound like them.
It shows Republicans are pretty enthusiastic about him. The popular vote win could easily be due to increased turnout in safe red states and red counties in swing states.

I'm not suggesting there was hacking just disagreeing with your assertion that it had to happen "all over he country." It didn't. And there was definitely interference in this election with the burning of drop boxes and the bomb threats.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It shows Republicans are pretty enthusiastic about him. The popular vote win could easily be due to increased turnout in safe red states and red counties in swing states.

I'm not suggesting there was hacking just disagreeing with your assertion that it had to happen "all over he country." It didn't. And there was definitely interference in this election with the burning of drop boxes and the bomb threats.
All I'm saying is he got a lot of votes
A lot of idiots want this asshole back unfortunately
Bomb threats in GA didn't change all them other states


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Even if this were true, and it's not because they're already talking about how bad he will be on left YouTube channels, it only proves that his opponents believe he's a fascist.

You think people kept criticizing Hitler after he came to power? No they shut the fuck up because they didn't want to be a victim.
And right now everyone is still kind of shell shocked and not sure what will happen


Rising Star
Platinum Member
If you haven’t heard.

There are rumors quietly circulating that there is a strong possibility that Biden will resign soon.

He will do this to allow Harris to be sworn in as America’s 47th POTUS.

The reason for doing this is too put her in the Oval Office and show American’s who had doubts about her, that a woman can handle the job.

She would do press conferences, address the nation from the Oval Office and have face to face meetings with world leaders. Along with handling domestic issues.

She would address the situations with Ukraine/Israel with what is going on.

Being her term will end on Jan 20, 2025 at 1200pm EST. She will not be held back on talking on issues that she was hesitant to talk about with the fear of offending and scaring off voters. She can get out there and “Tell It Like It Is” without repercussions.

And….there is a possibility she would execute the powers that SCOTUS put onto POTUS giving her full immunity.

This would also allow Biden to leave office and not have to be humiliated in front of the country losing to the Orange Moron he beat in 2020. Harris will be up on the stage front and center.

If this happens, it’s gonna be a big game changer.

We will wait and see…..
Don't see this happening. Biden is a prideful man (they had been calling for him not to run for re-election before the horrible debate performance) and the fact that they are going to ask him to resign after they just got whipped in the General Election? If anything, Biden is going to be saying "Told yall so" if if the party was right on getting him to step aside. He will finish this term. This is all that he's ever wanted and it would take too long for them to invoke the 25th amendment and toss him to the side again. No, Joe wouldn't go down without fight and January 20th will be here before you know it.

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
All I'm saying is he got a lot of votes
A lot of idiots want this asshole back unfortunately
Bomb threats in GA didn't change all them other states
Didn't bomb threats happen in all battleground states? I thought I heard that.

Anyway, the point is tampering, if it occured, doesn't have to be all that widespread to be effective. Either way, what happened this election with the destruction of ballot boxes and bomb threats was a travesty.

Easily this is the worst democracy on the planet if you even want to call it a democracy.

Stop these faggits!

Jackie Reinhart is a lady
Wasn't that goalpost moved years ago though? Someone posted on here a few days ago that the amendment to require 60% was itself put up for a vote and passed. So, the people of FL have only themselves to blame.
No the conservative whites who likes to shut down things blacks and other non whites enjoy are to blame.


Rising Star
STFU, pelosi. Even if Kamala was more battle tested she still would have lost based on the results. Pelosi wanted Gavin in the chair.
I'm going to say this and not a lot of people are going to like it but fuck it

I really disagree with this entire idea about candidates and how Kamala wasn't good enough ...boring..unexciting to the base

She's a Mixed race black female attorney that's a Former district attorney of a state a state senator and a vice president and even if she was as boring as fuck she filled up stadiums and arenas with people

So even if she was the actual home wrecking whore that knew nothing.... Somehow she lost to a guy who is as old as Biden Who is the biggest con man good friend of a serial teen rapist and tax cheat thief who started a pogram about Haitians Waxed poetic about another man's Dick size and simulated fellatio on a microphone at a political rally

That guys campaign was what ? Great?

Kamala didn't fail motherfucking lazy in their feelings liberals and progressives failed

Please stop posting this dumb shit

And If you couldn't vote for her you should have at least been able to vote against this fucking ogre being in the seat a second time


Rising Star
Platinum Member
This still raises so many suspicions about Kamala. Something doesn’t add up here. I knew the governor thing was going to be a win for the Democrats but positions know something don’t smell right
I dont know about the other states, but the Republicans had HORRIBLE candidates in NC this year and what the Democrats started doing is attaching them to Mark Robinson. He was a huge boulder that sunk the entire party to the bottom of the ocean. Also I'm pissed that Mo Green only won by 2 points :angry: We were this close to having them change curriculum in the state to say that Blacks WANTED to be enslaved. :smh::angry: