STFU, pelosi. Even if Kamala was more battle tested she still would have lost based on the results. Pelosi wanted Gavin in the chair.
I'm going to say this and not a lot of people are going to like it but fuck it
I really disagree with this entire idea about candidates and how Kamala wasn't good enough ...boring..unexciting to the base
She's a Mixed race black female attorney that's a Former district attorney of a state a state senator and a vice president and even if she was as boring as fuck she filled up stadiums and arenas with people
So even if she was the actual home wrecking whore that knew nothing.... Somehow she lost to a guy who is as old as Biden Who is the biggest con man good friend of a serial teen rapist and tax cheat thief who started a pogram about Haitians Waxed poetic about another man's Dick size and simulated fellatio on a microphone at a political rally
That guys campaign was what ? Great?
Kamala didn't fail motherfucking lazy in their feelings liberals and progressives failed
Please stop posting this dumb shit
And If you couldn't vote for her you should have at least been able to vote against this fucking ogre being in the seat a second time