How close is it currently?Democrats are getting close extremely close. I hope they take the house that would make me feel a little bit more comfortable.
How close is it currently?Democrats are getting close extremely close. I hope they take the house that would make me feel a little bit more comfortable.
How close is it currently?
You watching too?? Haha that was a crazy muffed punt!Fuck Steelers fumble recovery lol
Nah it’s a left wing conspiracy theory
Left-wing "Starlink" election conspiracy theory spreads online
Conspiracy theorists allege that Starlink, a satellite constellation developed by Elon Musk's SpaceX, was connected to voting
In response to:
If I see or hear any of that rapy "Your body, my choice" bullshit, I'll reciprocate with "Your body, my fist."
As luck would have it, a customer tried that with me tonight. I gave him my "evil death glare", and his expression went from a toothy grin to him looking very uncomfortable. I've been told my EDG is very intimidating.
Anyway, I stopped what I was doing, took his items, put them on the floor and motioned from him to follow me. We got to the door and I said "Get the fuck out." He just looked at me dumbfounded, mouth hanging open like he was catching flies.
I shit you not, he literally said "You can't talk to me like that!" I almost lost my shit. Fortunately, one of my male co-workers had heard the entire exchange, came over and stood between us. "Dude, you basically just said you were going to assault her so yeah, get the fuck out."
This nutsack stood his fucking ground! He opened his mouth to speak, and 2 buff dudes stepped in and one asked him "Would you like some help
finding the door?"
I looked past him and see a police car pull up. Apparently, someone called the cops. I smiled and when he turned around to see what I was smiling at, he said "Are you fucking kidding me?"
My co-worker motioned for the cop to come over. Now I know this guy because he comes in all the time to shop for his K9. He's 6'8 and scary, lol. The guy turned around and apologized and I was like "Nah, dude, it's too late for that."
Cop came over and I asked him if he could show him out. After he did that, cop came back and asked me what happened and out of nowhere, this 80-some year old guy hobbles over and said "I'll tell you what that low-life cocksucker said to this young lady!" HE was the one who called the cops.
After that, I paid for the older guy's items and the cop told the nasty customer not to set foot in the store again.
I'm SO done with these assclowns.
John Bolton's Mustache™️☑️ on Spoutible
As luck would have it, a customer tried that with me tonight. I gave him my "evil death glare", and his expression went from a toothy grin to him looking very
In response to:
If I see or hear any of that rapy "Your body, my choice" bullshit, I'll reciprocate with "Your body, my fist."
As luck would have it, a customer tried that with me tonight. I gave him my "evil death glare", and his expression went from a toothy grin to him looking very uncomfortable. I've been told my EDG is very intimidating.
Anyway, I stopped what I was doing, took his items, put them on the floor and motioned from him to follow me. We got to the door and I said "Get the fuck out." He just looked at me dumbfounded, mouth hanging open like he was catching flies.
I shit you not, he literally said "You can't talk to me like that!" I almost lost my shit. Fortunately, one of my male co-workers had heard the entire exchange, came over and stood between us. "Dude, you basically just said you were going to assault her so yeah, get the fuck out."
This nutsack stood his fucking ground! He opened his mouth to speak, and 2 buff dudes stepped in and one asked him "Would you like some help
finding the door?"
I looked past him and see a police car pull up. Apparently, someone called the cops. I smiled and when he turned around to see what I was smiling at, he said "Are you fucking kidding me?"
My co-worker motioned for the cop to come over. Now I know this guy because he comes in all the time to shop for his K9. He's 6'8 and scary, lol. The guy turned around and apologized and I was like "Nah, dude, it's too late for that."
Cop came over and I asked him if he could show him out. After he did that, cop came back and asked me what happened and out of nowhere, this 80-some year old guy hobbles over and said "I'll tell you what that low-life cocksucker said to this young lady!" HE was the one who called the cops.
After that, I paid for the older guy's items and the cop told the nasty customer not to set foot in the store again.
I'm SO done with these assclowns.
John Bolton's Mustache™️☑️ on Spoutible
As luck would have it, a customer tried that with me tonight. I gave him my "evil death glare", and his expression went from a toothy grin to him looking very
In response to:
If I see or hear any of that rapy "Your body, my choice" bullshit, I'll reciprocate with "Your body, my fist."
As luck would have it, a customer tried that with me tonight. I gave him my "evil death glare", and his expression went from a toothy grin to him looking very uncomfortable. I've been told my EDG is very intimidating.
Anyway, I stopped what I was doing, took his items, put them on the floor and motioned from him to follow me. We got to the door and I said "Get the fuck out." He just looked at me dumbfounded, mouth hanging open like he was catching flies.
I shit you not, he literally said "You can't talk to me like that!" I almost lost my shit. Fortunately, one of my male co-workers had heard the entire exchange, came over and stood between us. "Dude, you basically just said you were going to assault her so yeah, get the fuck out."
This nutsack stood his fucking ground! He opened his mouth to speak, and 2 buff dudes stepped in and one asked him "Would you like some help
finding the door?"
I looked past him and see a police car pull up. Apparently, someone called the cops. I smiled and when he turned around to see what I was smiling at, he said "Are you fucking kidding me?"
My co-worker motioned for the cop to come over. Now I know this guy because he comes in all the time to shop for his K9. He's 6'8 and scary, lol. The guy turned around and apologized and I was like "Nah, dude, it's too late for that."
Cop came over and I asked him if he could show him out. After he did that, cop came back and asked me what happened and out of nowhere, this 80-some year old guy hobbles over and said "I'll tell you what that low-life cocksucker said to this young lady!" HE was the one who called the cops.
After that, I paid for the older guy's items and the cop told the nasty customer not to set foot in the store again.
I'm SO done with these assclowns.
John Bolton's Mustache™️☑️ on Spoutible
As luck would have it, a customer tried that with me tonight. I gave him my "evil death glare", and his expression went from a toothy grin to him looking very
In response to:
If I see or hear any of that rapy "Your body, my choice" bullshit, I'll reciprocate with "Your body, my fist."
As luck would have it, a customer tried that with me tonight. I gave him my "evil death glare", and his expression went from a toothy grin to him looking very uncomfortable. I've been told my EDG is very intimidating.
Anyway, I stopped what I was doing, took his items, put them on the floor and motioned from him to follow me. We got to the door and I said "Get the fuck out." He just looked at me dumbfounded, mouth hanging open like he was catching flies.
I shit you not, he literally said "You can't talk to me like that!" I almost lost my shit. Fortunately, one of my male co-workers had heard the entire exchange, came over and stood between us. "Dude, you basically just said you were going to assault her so yeah, get the fuck out."
This nutsack stood his fucking ground! He opened his mouth to speak, and 2 buff dudes stepped in and one asked him "Would you like some help
finding the door?"
I looked past him and see a police car pull up. Apparently, someone called the cops. I smiled and when he turned around to see what I was smiling at, he said "Are you fucking kidding me?"
My co-worker motioned for the cop to come over. Now I know this guy because he comes in all the time to shop for his K9. He's 6'8 and scary, lol. The guy turned around and apologized and I was like "Nah, dude, it's too late for that."
Cop came over and I asked him if he could show him out. After he did that, cop came back and asked me what happened and out of nowhere, this 80-some year old guy hobbles over and said "I'll tell you what that low-life cocksucker said to this young lady!" HE was the one who called the cops.
After that, I paid for the older guy's items and the cop told the nasty customer not to set foot in the store again.
I'm SO done with these assclowns.
John Bolton's Mustache™️☑️ on Spoutible
As luck would have it, a customer tried that with me tonight. I gave him my "evil death glare", and his expression went from a toothy grin to him looking very
I am sorry you had to deal with this bullshit.
I had an unfortunate run-in based on some happy fucking racist's bullshit as well.
I won't go into details, but I made it plain as rain that there would be serious
repercussions if the behavior were to be repeated.
That said, I think it is long overdue for Black people to serious consider forming a Black nationalist party.
My reasoning:
We just watched the Democratic Party, ONCE AGAIN, forcefully DISMISS the person MOST ABLE to beat trump. They did this with Sanders, and the white lady lost.
What in the unholy fuck made them think a Black woman would win, PARTICULARLY after you shoved the white guy (WHO 81 MILLION PEOPLE FUCKING VOTED FOR)?
I will tell you what: Arrogant white progressives.
THEY are the ones who decided not only that there were several genders, but that CHILDREN get to decide what gender they are, regardless of the Johnson or Suzie located between their legs.
Black people will famously accept ANYBODY, but pushing this ridiculous, offensive paradigm shift, based on some flaky assed white peoples' fringe argument, TO THE FORE AS ONE OF THE PLANKS IN THE PARTY PLATFORM was like shooting oneself in BOTH feet.
I voted for Harris. However, my stomach sank when I read online that Biden had finally stepped down. My first reaction: the only person they will likely run will be Harris. This country is TOO FUCKING RACIST and TOO FUCKING SEXIST to vote for a Black woman. Then there is the fact that she is married to a Jew.
They might as well have nominated a transexual.
All this happening, so quicky, at the behest of flaky white folk like George Clooney, and his crew of silly assed, pie in the shy progressives, PLAYS RIGHT INTO THE DEI NARRATIVE THE OTHER SIDE HAS BEEN PUSHING ALL ALONG.
MOST VOTERS were willing to support the TRADITIONAL, WHITE, MALE DEMOCRAT, even some with relatively conservative values, BLACK AND WHITE AND LATINO AND ARAB.
But these goddamned, motherfucking, know-it-all whities decided that we were "woke" enough as a nation to pull it off.
All the others said: fuck that, I can either hide in my whiteness, or my aspiring assimilation (Latinos), and vote for the other guy, because I ain't paying taxes to send trannies into the girls' bathroom.
Truth be told, race aside, working class Black people share A GREAT DEAL IN COMMON when in comes to social issues.
But progressive whitey ALWAYS fucking knows better.
I have to stop typing know. I am literally slamming my fingers into the keyboard.
Thoughts welcome.
Thanks. Don’t look good overall.
I’m born and raised in NC. I grew up in a trailer park filled with conservative poor white folks.
It’s not an exaggeration to say that most black and white people down south lives the same exact way. The only main difference is political support.
My mother has voted democrat her entire life, but when you speak to her (or her family) they are very conservative. My dad was a Jim Crow survivor and Vietnam Vet. He was a longtime member of the NRA. He regularly went to church and loved watching NASCAR, but he was a life long democrat.
My family really don’t get down with the homosexual and trans shit. They won’t disown, but they definitely ain’t going to be happy about it. Black people are more left-centered only because of the history of racism in this country and the economic disadvantages we’ve had.
The Dems are going to have to ease up on the sexuality and gender narratives. It’s not enough of them to sway an election. It will always be the working class that makes a difference.
Seriously, I actually feel sorry for her. It was her people being dickheads that set her up for failure pandering to whites who don't accept them.
I have read how they have used a protected class status after getting rejected by whites in the 1970's trying to pass themselves off as Caucasian. They would try to pass themselves off as white which did not work. This alienated them from us.
A couple of African countries have openly spoken out against them and one even mass deported them. I've read stories about us going into African countries to subjugate them after just getting off a slave plantation. The same phenomena is probably going on with them.
A common tactic of whites is to approach a group appearing friendly, and making them feel special. They might treat you better or give you honorary white status. They want nothing to do with you in actuality and are trying to get you to talk sideways about other groups. Candace Owens or Omarosa are perfect examples.
This tactic is to alienate when they finally reject you.
The Democrats aren’t interested in raising the minimum wage. The Democrats aren’t interested in taking care of anyone. The Democrats are only interested in pursuing the agenda of the rich while suppressing the votes of black people.![]()
Most reasonable Dems looking make viable and substantial change, recognize this point to a tee.
What's crazy, these are the only stores I really shop at LOL minus Ulta
Costo Bros UNITE!
It’s not Republican votes they need to chase. It’s the center. The moderates. That’s always been their bread and butter as they’ve been historically disadvantaged of having a smaller base than Conservatives. Smaller base + 60% of moderates get you 1600. That formula is tried and true. They have ALWAYS had the numbers to win it without Republican voters so there’s no “need” to chase them. They were never needed.The Democrats aren’t interested in raising the minimum wage. The Democrats aren’t interested in taking care of anyone. The Democrats are only interested in pursuing the agenda of the rich while suppressing the votes of black people.
The Democrats don’t have to chase after Republican voters. Think of it this way. Democrats chase after Republican voters with a machete and feign disappointment when they don’t vote for them. I remember the exact moment Kamala went from wanting to tax the rich to never saying that shit again. Black men don’t really like Obama. His wife is an angel but if that brother doesn’t have her on his hip, I don’t think he can walk through The Hood.
I live in Philadelphia and the mayor elected by the votes of 2 people is attempting to build a god damn stadium in Chinatown. Why does the Democratic Party continue to run these awful people and then pretend they had no part to play in it? Maybe if you talked about being black instead of telling folks how great Duck Cheney is, Democrats would be excited to vote for you.It’s not Republican votes they need to chase. It’s the center. The moderates. That’s always been their bread and butter as they’ve been historically disadvantaged of having a smaller base than Conservatives. Smaller base + 60% of moderates get you 1600. That formula is tried and true. They have ALWAYS had the numbers to win it without Republican voters so there’s no “need” to chase them. They were never needed.
This time around however, they fumbled it badly with the moderates who would’ve normally voted Democratic, which is why this election result is the biggest head scratcher to Democratic leaders.
Those moderates aren’t as liberal as they’d wish them to be.