No Camille I didn't say any of that bullshit.
I'm saying the US routinely does this to immigrants no matter the president. I don't have any ill feelings towards immigrants to want them gone...the presidents you voted for deported more of them than the president you hate. Those are just the facts.
I've never opposed deportation. I've opposed inhumane treatment, family separation, lack of due process, violation of international asylum laws, and the general white supremacist demonization of various immigrant populations, which sadly some back folk have also adopted.
The targeting of immigrants is going to be used to terrorize black and brown folk. It will be used to remind us that they dont consider us true Americans, regardless of birth or lineage. When we get caught up, and some will, we need the assurance that people will be humanely treated and rights respected. The one official was mad immigrants knew their rights. That's only a problem if you plan on violating them.
Far too many people are doing a jig just at the thought, not realizing they are dancing to the tune of their own demise.