UPDATE: Donald Trump Takes Office as the 47th US President


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
That was Obama's economy and we were still in Afghanistan and Syria under Trump. Furthermore, Trump used drone strikes at an even higher rate than Obama did. More servicemembers died in action under Trump than did under Biden too.

You're spreading misinformation.

Brother, did we spend more money in foreign affairs under Trump or Biden? We are currently involved in conflicts that involve nuclear powers. Afghanistan and Syria are small potatoes compared to the current conflict. Are you better off financially now or during Trump’s presidency before Covid? Be honest.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
are you European or black?

How would Africa vote?
im not the one in the graph, u have a problem with the results of the graph that pretty much confirms what any honest well travelled & well read adult already kinda knows? or do u want to show me what the results of similar poll are in Africa ?


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
I'm not going to give Trump that much credit.

This is a dumb country that doesn't pay attention. So every election they hate the group in power and vote to throw them out.

But you are right about the sell. Dems need to stop worrying about being factual and just start pumping out propaganda. Or not. People will get the government they voted for.
Trump ran a horrible campaign. He really didn’t dive into policies. Even that debate that Kamala did, she exposed him to certain people who was dense in the head. And like I said if he wins, and he has control of Congress and the Senate all hell is going to break loose immediately. Oh, and they are fucking with Obama care.

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
Our country is also against Trans rights. Harris wasn’t afraid of voicing support for them. We need to stop having a defeatist attitude and fight for what we believe is right. This is what all of these other groups have done.
Being realistic isn't a defeatist attitude. You expect a utopia for Black people in only 4 years in this climate. The fact that the election is close should tell you why your pollyana view isn't reality.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I’ve quoted this several times over the last few years and here we are..

We are now leaving the era of weak men and heading into some turbulent times so buckle up.

It will not get easier for the next 4 years minimum.


Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Prior to Covid, the average American was better off during Trump’s presidency than Biden’s. The economy was better and we were not engaged in any foreign wars.
Tell me when the Afghanistan war ended again... What year?


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
At this point, it doesn’t matter who the next four presidents might be… the SCOTUS and federal judiciary is fucked for generations to come
And white women are going to be crying their asses off. They are going to prevent them from divorcing.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
And people don’t forget about the climate weatherwise. It has been going crazy over the last few years and now it’s really going to go into overdrive.


Vaya Con Dio
BGOL Investor
You are describing your personal experience and a half dozen others. By far, more CACs benefitted from student loan forgiveness than Black folks. If we are going off anecdotes, we all know more Black folks that benefitted from Covid relief programs that student loan forgiveness.
I'm describing the personal experiences of many people of color. You're just unable to appreciate the impact because it didn't benefit you, which is selfish af.

But to go all the way back and put a bow on this: "The Biden Administration didn't do anything for blacks" -- False.

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
they are definitely gonna come thru; there is over a million votes that havent been counted in PA alone; its always been about PA fam...
Hoping i wake up to a miracle, but i honestly thought she'd split NC, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin. It's looking like she's bout to lose all 4. I knew it was gonna be close, but this shit was unexpected given how Repubs been telling everyone but white men how we all ain't shit.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
Being realistic isn't a defeatist attitude. You expect a utopia for Black people in only 4 years in this climate. The fact that the election is close should tell you why your pollyana view isn't reality.

There was a time when people thought slavery would never end. Gay marriage would never happen. Men would not be able to change their sex and compete in women’s sports. That 2 men would not be able to legally get married. Some shit you just fight for. It’s not easy and will take time. But first you force candidates to support the issues before you support the candidate.

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
Brother, did we spend more money in foreign affairs under Trump or Biden? We are currently involved in conflicts that involve nuclear powers. Afghanistan and Syria are small potatoes compared to the current conflict. Are you better off financially now or during Trump’s presidency before Covid? Be honest.
We had troops on the ground in ME under Trump. Trump even bragged that he was the first to send Ukraine weapons because Obama was scared to do so. Furthermore, America isn't directly involved in any conflict which wasn't the case when Trump was in office.

And, yes, I'm much better off now but that has little to do with who is in the Whitehouse.

Bro, you're misinformed.