UPDATE: Donald Trump Takes Office as the 47th US President


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Honestly, I stayed home this time out.
These were the WORST two Presidential Candidates in My 60+ lifetime.
This Presidential Election was like choosing between Coke and Pepsi.
I'm Type 2 Diabetic.

Harris was not a strong Candidate. She came off way too entitled and fake. And depended way too much on reaching a declining Black base with (degenerate) Celebs. Instead of Grassrooting it and reaching (OUR) People on a human and personal level.

But Hey! No one listened to Black Men. Instead, they got (SOME) Black Women to denigrate US like we're politically illiterate children. What Black Man's not going to tire of that shit?

And The Dems should have ran a Primary. And though I wasn't a fan of Biden, Dude was done dirty with this. A Primary would at least have made the process appear fair. If it were Gretchen Whitmer, I would have rocked for her in an instant. Though there's shit going on in Michighan, Whitmer has that special reach when it comes to "Ground" issues and people, knows what She's doing, what a powerful position really entails. And most of all, doesn't come off entitled and phony.

Black People, especially Black Men have had it way worse. We've survived 400+ years of this country's bullshit.
All these Nit-Wits can blame Black Men all they want for Harris' loss.
We're stronger than this.
WE just have to prove it to ourselves.
The majority of so-called black men today are not strong due to concessions.

Trump will solve that issue. The weak will get washed out and allow for us that are for our people to rebuild internally.

Globalism doesn’t work for us because we don’t benefit as being the chosen people. Anyone of our people blaming us for another DNC flop has to be cast out. Stop trying to build with pro-whites.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
I personally think so. No way he didn't go on the attack after Jan 6., with a personal axe to grind after McConnell. Shuttered his SC nomination.

Any man with a nut sack would have gone in guns blazing on Trump's ass and would have won a conviction.

He slowed walked every major case.

Now Trump will institute federal stop and frisk, citizenship checks like apartheid South Africa. You know the system one Musk came from.

Fuck him, Comey, and Mueller.
Bruh, the same Supreme Court that gave him complete immunity would never let any conviction stand.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The majority of so-called black men today are not strong due to concessions.

Trump will solve that issue. The weak will get washed out and allow for us that are for our people to rebuild internally.

Globalism doesn’t work for us because we don’t benefit as being the chosen people. Anyone of our people blaming us for another DNC flop has to be cast out. Stop trying to build with pro-whites.
If you black Trump don’t care about you or your family. Stop being delusional.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
We getting CHAINZ tomorrow or at inauguration?
no physical chains but I promise you this he WILL cut taxes and drive up the debt. He may not do any of that other crazy shit cause it maybe just talking shit to get the idiots to vote for him but the damage he will do to the finances of America will make Bush Jr look like Obama. I mean what will happen to the stupid people who voted for him cause he said he will elminate taxing OT pay when OT is elminated? and what about the SSN recipents whose checks get cut by 25-40% when SSN eliminates the tax on it and they find out the taxes are reinvested back into the SSN fund to help pay the benefits? those r the chains we may get


Rising Star

It's all the big stuff -- defeat in Afghanistan, a porous border, inflation, and (yes, this really matters) Biden's refusal to acknowledge reality and step aside in time for Democrats to have a real primary.

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
The majority of so-called black men today are not strong due to concessions.

Trump will solve that issue. The weak will get washed out and allow for us that are for our people to rebuild internally.

Globalism doesn’t work for us because we don’t benefit as being the chosen people. Anyone of our people blaming us for another DNC flop has to be cast out. Stop trying to build with pro-whites.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Honestly, I stayed home this time out.
These were the WORST two Presidential Candidates in My 60+ lifetime.
This Presidential Election was like choosing between Coke and Pepsi.
I'm Type 2 Diabetic.

Harris was not a strong Candidate. She came off way too entitled and fake. And depended way too much on reaching a declining Black base with (degenerate) Celebs. Instead of Grassrooting it and reaching (OUR) People on a human and personal level.

But Hey! No one listened to Black Men. Instead, they got (SOME) Black Women to denigrate US like we're politically illiterate children. What Black Man's not going to tire of that shit?

And The Dems should have ran a Primary. And though I wasn't a fan of Biden, Dude was done dirty with this. A Primary would at least have made the process appear fair. If it were Gretchen Whitmer, I would have rocked for her in an instant. Though there's shit going on in Michighan, Whitmer has that special reach when it comes to "Ground" issues and people, knows what She's doing, what a powerful position really entails. And most of all, doesn't come off entitled and phony.

Black People, especially Black Men have had it way worse. We've survived 400+ years of this country's bullshit.
All these Nit-Wits can blame Black Men all they want for Harris' loss.
We're stronger than this.
WE just have to prove it to ourselves.

How do you start a grassroot campaign less then 3 months before an election?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
The majority of so-called black men today are not strong due to concessions.

Trump will solve that issue. The weak will get washed out and allow for us that are for our people to rebuild internally.

Globalism doesn’t work for us because we don’t benefit as being the chosen people. Anyone of our people blaming us for another DNC flop has to be cast out. Stop trying to build with pro-whites.
One can only hope that WE as a people will learn from this.
And do what needs to be done internally from there.
But there's honestly going to be a lot of Blaming, Shaming, and Backbiting before that happens.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
How do you start a grassroot campaign less then 3 months before an election?
That was on The Democrats. It's not like there aren't people out there who could have helped.
But instead of looking for those types who truly know how to run those types of campaigns,
They just forced someone out there who didn't have any sense of what REAL people really need and want.

Great Question.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Ain't shit to be mad about. I did my part, people voted for this guy again, it is what it is. I'm just gonna sit back and relax now.
my bank account is good, my stocks r good& less regulation gonna make me even more money, my little sister college gone be paid for , my Mom's house is gonna get a whole remodel, gonna chip in & help as many old folks & disenfranchised black kids as I can but beyond that ,
its the same, we said it, they said they wanted her to pass a black only crime bill, a black only whatever , and whites literally just told them they dont want a black anything !!.....! :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:


Rising Star
How do you start a grassroot campaign less then 3 months before an election?

Shit, 8 hours ago people were in here talking about Kamala didn't build a campaign, she built a movement.

This feels different from when Biden ran in 2020. That was a movement of sorts, but this feels like the first really positive campaign since Obama's first run. And even that didn't exactly feel like this.
Chump also knows this. This is no longer an Election it's now a Movement.
Kamala Harris ran a movement, not a campaign. We're going to be dancing tonight.....
Bro she really did.

One thing I know she also, she told her team I want the best of the best in everything.

She didn’t use a lot of the same folks from Bidens team and Obama team.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
George Washington and Thomas Jefferson's victories don't matter today. Nothing pre-civil rights does. There was legitimate reason to hope for a new beginning with Obama. We can't now just say "Well, whitey is always going to win, what do you expect?" We can and should win and we need to figure out how to in the future, not give in to defeatism.

America began with the seed of slavery and genocide so here we are, that seed has grown into a tree of White Supremacy globally.
& it will continue until White Supremacy is stopped.
Voting won't do it alone in the United States, because its White Supremacy is exported abroad all of the time.
So you can't discount George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, they are the seeds of this racist colonial project.


Rising Star
Man, Those damn Republicans came out the house and out of the wood shed and voted in this election!!... :lol: ...I knew it was going to be like 2016 again!!...Damn Trump is back in office!!...WOW!!!

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
I'm taking my ass to sleep, but, I just want to say there are some real good bruhs on this board and a lot of them contributed to this thread. There are some shitty ones too that contributed to my ignore list lol.

But all we can ask is when you put your head on that pillow, we gave it all we have :lol:

Good night to the good men in this thread. The world still needs you.