UPDATE: Donald Trump Takes Office as the 47th US President

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
Fuck that shit and fuck that guy. I want radical change. Unless he gonna reverse everything Trump has done with an Iron fist his fucking safer old white guy image can eat a dick.

Politics has changed dramatically. We got to see this is no longer an incremental change game. Trump has put gasoline on this shit twice now. If every other 4 years the republicans get radical change and we get moderate likable go along to get along we are going to go backwards way more rapidly than we go forwards.

I want free health care, free education, tax the billionaires and companies to fix social security and do it in 4 years. If they ain't pushing that then this pain is worthless.
Yeah every time you think they have the right outlook they show their true colors



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Everybody's a coward when it comes to Trump. Other than Canada, I've never seen anyone stand up to that motherfucker and say fuck you you big bully motherfucker

Everyone is scared of Trump's lawyers or Trump's threats of lawyers. Never have so few owed so much to so many

By the time I’m responding, maybe someone has replied already. I was just talking about something similar to this yesterday. What’s even more fucked up about this is that Trump has a record of losing tons of cases in courts. People do stand up and fight back, they don’t get most of the continued spotlight on them.