Update: Manafort sentenced to only 47 months by racist cac Judge


BGOL Investor
Trump might not even pardon his ass now with that light ass sentence.
He still got the dc sentence coming up and NYS gonna hit him with defrauding the state on taxes...

I think DC gonna hit him with 15 and NYS with 5-10...

Manafort fucked up by splitting his trail


Rising Star
BGOL Legend






Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The laws and consequences are only made for certain people.......

Hello war on drugs crack cocaine vs opium heroin epidemic "we need treatment programs" FOH
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jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
RICH PEOPLE "JUSTICE". Disgusting. Let us remember that Manafort's bail was revoked, because he was tampering with witnesses. Even after he got locked up, he continued to do it. Yes by all means judge, be merciful to Manafort. He obviously deserves it. 47 months... And they killed someone for selling loosies on a street corner.
Shit is beyond disgusting to me. :angry::smh:


Wait for it.....
OG Investor
Okay they are saying that the reason why the judge pull back on that sentence is to try to keep Trump from pardoning manafort because there's no way he can justify pardoning Manta Ford when he has eight conviction charges but only has to do four years. They say he may get up to 10 more years at his next trial, so all together he could be serving around 10 years, making it very hard for Trump to justify a pardon.

Ming Fei Hong

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Okay they are saying that the reason why the judge pull back on that sentence is to try to keep Trump from pardoning manafort because there's no way he can justify pardoning Manta Ford when he has eight conviction charges but only has to do four years. They say he may get up to 10 more years at his next trial, so all together he could be serving around 10 years, making it very hard for Trump to justify a pardon.
He can and he will pardon Manafort, even if it's after the fact...



Flawless One
BGOL Investor
couple years in jail and a couple hundred mill waiting for him when he gets out, not bad. He is going to rich people prison that has tennis court and all the good amenities.

Mt Airy Groove

Rising Star
Okay they are saying that the reason why the judge pull back on that sentence is to try to keep Trump from pardoning manafort because there's no way he can justify pardoning Manta Ford when he has eight conviction charges but only has to do four years. They say he may get up to 10 more years at his next trial, so all together he could be serving around 10 years, making it very hard for Trump to justify a pardon.

The judge claimed Manafort "lived a blameless life".
Trumps former lawyer Roy Cohn once said, "I dont care about the law. I want to know who the judge is"

Manaforts wealth and white privilege got him that lite sentence


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Sentences like this will continue to be commonplace in America for the next 50 plus years. Remember, 45 is appointing 30 year old far right wing conservative lifetime judges at record pace.
Yup. The Stanford Swimmer will continue to get off, and the Black guy with 5 dimes will get years, because he's the threat to society


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
He can and he will pardon Manafort, even if it's after the fact...

Not until the 2020 election results. If he wants to get reelected, he'd be stupid to do it before then. His base won't care, but it will piss everyone else off and dems have more voters when we show up, and we have to over perform to compensate for voter suppression and gerrymandering.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So Crystal Mason gets 5 years for voting when she wasn't eligible to.... And this dude gets 47 months.... For all his fuck shit.... And he'll definitely get out sooner thanks to time served and good behavior.... Man fuck the injustice system... The only justice we the black and under represented get is the justice we exact on our own.... Clown shit going on here
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Ming Fei Hong

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not until the 2020 election results. If he wants to get reelected, he'd be stupid to do it before then. His base won't care, but it will piss everyone else off and dems have more voters when we show up, and we have to over perform to compensate for voter suppression and gerrymandering.
He can't pardon him before the 2020 primaries anyway because of the Mueller investigation and the fallout from it. Trump's not worried about losing crossover votes. He's solely focused on firing up his base and staying out of jail. He's worried about the Southern District of NY. That's why Manafort will have to wait. If Trump loses the 2020 election, Manafort will get an 11th hour pardon on Trump's way out.