Yeah I listend last night and it's sad we have this division among our selves.....I said it in the other thread, but the common denominator of all black people is the Melanin in our skin....We could be powerful if we said fuck all this division and let's move together as ONE....
Black people are magical people and not only could we be powerful politically and economically, we could damn near move mountains if we came together as one (shout out to Bobby Hemmitt)....
It's funny, when you go to Africa, they don't ask or label so why do we do it over here??? Granted I do know like in Nigeria people are labled by their tribes, but damn this shit is really sad man....
It's almost to the point where FBA and ADOS are GANGS......But to each it's own I guess.....My history did not start in the United States....
ADOS makes this claim, but I can make the claim that the Gullah Geechie people of SC are more closely associated to slavery than ADOS because of their dialect and how they continue some of the traditions of old.......
I wonder how many ADOS folks have visited the only African village in the USA? Still living in their African traditions?
Oyotunji African Village
Gullah Geechie