UPDATE: Tariq Nasheed pushed for $7Mil for Hidden History Museum; FBA is 1000% officially a cult via new Religion, “MOJAURA”


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah I listend last night and it's sad we have this division among our selves.....I said it in the other thread, but the common denominator of all black people is the Melanin in our skin....We could be powerful if we said fuck all this division and let's move together as ONE....
Black people are magical people and not only could we be powerful politically and economically, we could damn near move mountains if we came together as one (shout out to Bobby Hemmitt)....

It's funny, when you go to Africa, they don't ask or label so why do we do it over here??? Granted I do know like in Nigeria people are labled by their tribes, but damn this shit is really sad man....

It's almost to the point where FBA and ADOS are GANGS......But to each it's own I guess.....My history did not start in the United States....

ADOS makes this claim, but I can make the claim that the Gullah Geechie people of SC are more closely associated to slavery than ADOS because of their dialect and how they continue some of the traditions of old.......

I wonder how many ADOS folks have visited the only African village in the USA? Still living in their African traditions?
Oyotunji African Village

Gullah Geechie

here’s a question. Why did Luke find it necessary to tell people who they have to vote for.
If you look at the history of Jamaica, and bob marley that was all about an election where they handed people blickys to force them to vote one way. That’s what led to a lot of Jamaicans to flee to the United States.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Show me where Luther said he was PanAfrican ….
PanAfricanism scares yall so much yall must be really cacs! Only cacs cry about PanAfricans that much :roflmao2: :roflmao2:
No. I’m just asking if that’s your daddy
All you sound alike nowadays

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No. I’m just asking if that’s your daddy
All you sound alike nowadays

Yeah u posted a Twitter post that attempted to insult n discredit PanAfricanism n got exposed! bcos only cacs & their black minions have a problem with PanAfricanism ,

like u and ur cohorts who’ve tried to spew that fba ados anti PanAfrican babble ..

we not deflecting deal with ur treachery u loser hate cultist!

Last I checked PanAfricansim isn’t the reason u failed at life n dropped outta school n couldn’t secure a job & never raised ur self outta the bottom feeding drudgery u find urself in n needing an identity based upon dehumanizing Africans to make u feel better about ur loser life
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah u posted a Twitter post that attempted to insult n discredit PanAfricanism n got exposed! bcos only cacs & their black minions have a problem with PanAfricanism ,

like u and ur cohorts who’ve tried to spew that fba ados anti PanAfrican babble ..

we not deflecting deal with ur treachery u loser hate cultist!

Last I checked PanAfricansim isn’t the reason u failed at life n dropped outta school n couldn’t secure a job & never raised ur self outta the bottom feeding drudgery u find urself in n needing an identity based upon dehumanizing Africans to make u feel better about ur loser life
Your programmed. You know that right


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I got a real question. Who started all this divisiveness on bgol?​

division of calling people tethers or division of dehumanizing black immigrants & manufacturing narratives to allow u spew white supremacist garbage about other black people & trying to hide it under cover of "reparations" or "group advocacy" while being aligned with JohnTanton rightwing white nationalist outfit ?but getting mad that ppl r calling it out now?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
division of calling people tethers or division of dehumanizing black immigrants & manufacturing narratives to allow u spew white supremacist garbage about other black people & trying to hide it under cover of "reparations" or "group advocacy" while being aligned with JohnTanton rightwing white nationalist outfit ?but getting mad that ppl r calling it out now?

Can your provide the thread that someone started about that before all these threads.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Can your provide the thread that someone started about that before all these threads.
everyone on bgol remembers the certain thread that went almost 60pages+ n it was chockfull of literal stormfront style kkk neon*zi style rhetoric identical to shit stormfront members say about black folks & they used those same rhetoric towards africans


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
everyone on bgol remembers the certain thread that went almost 60pages+ n it was chockfull of literal stormfront style kkk neon*zi style rhetoric identical to shit stormfront members say about black folks & they used those same rhetoric towards africans
Link. I want to check dates

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I been asking that question for 4 years. I been looking for that same vigor, that same ferociousness, that same matter of fact "specifically for black people only" type approach when confronting the GOP.
Yeah. They reached out.
Still waiting for the democrats to reach out. They haven’t sent someone yet


Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Sugar Hill came out in 1994. I guess Tariq was a producer of the movie

The only thing Tariq did is give a word to some shit that was already going on in the Black community.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Tariq is a clown, but folks are lying if they they say they havent noticed some disrespect coming from black immigrants towards black Americans(and vice versa).

Call a Somali black and see how they reply
Date an Ethiopian woman and ask to meet her parents and see how SHE replies.

It goes both ways.


BGOL Patreon Investor
I got one serious question. Does Panafricanism exist in Africa
All these pages of all this pro-Tariq bullshit you’ve posted and you aren’t even ashamed to ask this question, publicly ?

This is worse than Trump being president for four years and declaring that he just found out in 2024 what “NATO” stands for.