UPDATE: Tariq Nasheed pushed for $7Mil for Hidden History Museum; FBA is 1000% officially a cult via new Religion, “MOJAURA”


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
becos thats what blackface white supremacists like u do, they scout the internet looking for black ppl they can use to push their agenda, ur failure of a life is having u looking all the way in Africa thousand miles removed from anything to do with ur fba ados reality to find things u can twist to push ur hatecult agenda.. ur not very smart apparently

how have any of these Africans all the way in Africa & Carribean affected ur life in a white supremacist way here in the USA, while u here spewing stormfront style rhetoric about ppl all the way in africa ?,
Shut up


BGOL Patreon Investor
Ok so first it was a doctored video. Now its twitter auto play . Which one is it :roflmao:
These niccas say anything
"It’s Twitter’s “auto-play” video that automatically rolls to the next video on the timeline and THIS particular video is the opening clip from a show called Dating Naked UK that clearly features naked men AND women talking about their dates."

What if.... it was exactly that, what the man said, I mean?
And what if the whole clip happened to be full of dozens of shots of frontally naked beautiful women with tits, ass and pussies out.

Wow, that sure would make you and that Trump-worshipping female cow, Angela Stanton King look like two blithering idiots wouldn't it?

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yo come get your panafricanist.

Roland Martin lives in Houston. I live in Houston. Roland Martin is an Alpha. I am an Alpha. I believe if I was to go to a fraternity event and see his bitch ass there I would have hard time figuring out what I would want to do. Should I slap the shit out of him or should I try to leave my size 11 Magnanni in his fat ass. This is a muthafucka that should travel with security every where he goes.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
"It’s Twitter’s “auto-play” video that automatically rolls to the next video on the timeline and THIS particular video is the opening clip from a show called Dating Naked UK that clearly features naked men AND women talking about their dates."

What if.... it was exactly that, what the man said, I mean?
And what if the whole clip happened to be full of dozens of shots of frontally naked beautiful women with tits, ass and pussies out.

Wow, that sure would make you and that Trump-worshipping female cow, Angela Stanton King look like two blithering idiots wouldn't it?
The post before this said it was doctored. At this point y’all just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You said it the original didn’t have it. Well I recorded it live Saturday in case they tried to edit it out and say someone put that there and lie
:lol: Notice the live chat scrolling on the right

disprove the claim that's its not a YT auto ad of a show that its not gay show?


BGOL Patreon Investor
"It’s Twitter’s “auto-play” video that automatically rolls to the next video on the timeline and THIS particular video is the opening clip from a show called Dating Naked UK that clearly features naked men AND women talking about their dates."

What if.... it was exactly that, what the man said, I mean?
And what if the whole clip happened to be full of dozens of shots of frontally naked beautiful women with tits, ass and pussies out.

Wow, that sure would make you and that Trump-worshipping female cow, Angela Stanton King look like two blithering idiots wouldn't it?

The post before this said it was doctored. At this point y’all just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.

Did you check to see if the the opening clip to Dating Naked UK that they're talking about exists?