UPDATE: Tariq Nasheed pushed for $7Mil for Hidden History Museum; FBA is 1000% officially a cult via new Religion, “MOJAURA”


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

What grown man follows to a nicca named moochie bear.


Rising Star
OG Investor
ur supposed fav artist comes out with new material & the first thing on ur mind is TETHERS .. funny especially since Kendrick called himself KING KUNTA & identifies as a PanAfrican :roflmao:
Can one of you ask that troll @footloose about the posts below?

i agree with many things youve said and want to elaborate.

there is a social ladder in my perception which is in this order

white female
white male
other races
black female
black male
with the black male being at the bottom of the totem pole, the white female is put on a pedestal by the white male. white males interest in black females involve their power over them socially and financially, black females will often respond to white males more positively or respectfully due to this and not respect the black male, which is last but least on the social ladder. the black male... at the bottom, but as we know everything is connected. 360 degrees.
with the white female at the top and the black man at the bottom, they are both unfulfilled. the black male with no one for him to have power over and the white female with no one for her to have power over her, which is the connection between the white female and the black male. to dominate her and for her to be dominated. good cant exist without bad, positive cant exist without negative.
get ya self a pink toe and everything else falls in line. ive had black, and spanish girls approach me soley off me having a pink toe behind me and asked me how can i get with you? i told her fill out a application and the bitch said ok. my word.
i jus hope obama becoming president hasnt fucked up this rotation cause i love it.
bottom line. control the snow bunny, control everything else in between.

only thing i disagree with that you said is the white male being the most desired, i think that depends on what they are tryin to obtain. if they already have social status then how can you desire it, it would probably be something else you desire

oddly enough, the areas that has the most red dots is where ive gotten all my white women from. go figure

Love me some white women.

By his account he's a white male since he put white women on a pedestal.

How does he claim fba when his great great great grandfather is white (His words)

How does him "I love white women" fit in with his fba claims? How does that affect his linage?


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
Explains why he took the right-wing money to disenfranchise black folks from voting and to sow division among blacks.

He's the modern cointelpro walking and dumbfucks are falling for it.
I had to cut off a homie who is a follower. Fool called me, and started spouting all the talking points, and how trump hung with and liked "ni66as." I told him dueces.


BGOL Investor
I had to cut off a homie who is a follower. Fool called me, and started spouting all the talking points, and how trump hung with and liked "ni66as." I told him dueces.
Crazy how right-wing think tanks have used thess so-called "black leaders" as trojan horses to get them to support white supremacy?

This is "MK-Ultra" on a massive scale but the people are too dumb to see it.