UPDATE: Tariq Nasheed pushed for $7Mil for Hidden History Museum; FBA is 1000% officially a cult via new Religion, “MOJAURA”


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There aren't numerous. Running across a few imigrants that talk shit isn't the same thing as locking arms with white supremacists and making your whole movement about it. Ya'll don't even realize that it's right-wing groups behind these twitter accounts and paying people like Tariq to push this divide.


If you want to know how Africans feel about us, people need to go to Africa themselves. I've been twice and have friends that have gone....I got nothing but LOVE when I was over there......

That's how I know some people are basing their views of how Africans think based on internet trolls....WRONG!!!!

Until these folks actually go to the continent, you can't tell me shit and the alphabet crew are all on that Bullshit!

FYI - Atlanta has a direct flight to Lagos that leaves out everyday....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This you?

I see u conveniently ignored my response post maybe it becos yall have proven countless times that YALL DO BELIEVE IN PHRENOLOGY

these are ur FBA people preaching "PHRENOLOGY " white supremacist "Beauty standards"

THIS YOU ? ^^^^^^^^
" I study skull shape and anatomy too." = PHRENOLOGY

now see

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This Black vs African thing is really disappointing. We really should be trying to unify. Both groups could learn a lot from each other.
theres no Black vs African thing..its hatecults FBA ADOS vs AFRICANS & Carribeans... remember FBA ADOS dont represent or speak for Black America , & if ure saying Africans should be quiet while they're targeted & get dehumanized with YTsupremacist rhetoric daily on these forums & social media then Idk what to tell u, becos it wont happen, just becos some choose to be quiet doesn't mean the rest of us wont speak up


BGOL Investor
theres no Black vs African thing..its hatecults FBA ADOS vs AFRICANS & Carribeans... remember FBA ADOS dont represent or speak for Black America , & if ure saying Africans should be quiet while they're targeted & get dehumanized with YTsupremacist rhetoric daily on these forums & social media then Idk what to tell u, becos it wont happen, just becos some choose to be quiet doesn't mean the rest of us wont speak up

And until now, NONE of these losers can tell us how this gets reparations? They don't even talk about reparations anymore, just make a thousand memes a day about African and Caribbean black folks.

Sock puppets for white supremacists groups.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Where did you see ALL in my posts, I said Africans

If you meant some you would've said some. Just like when you or others post one of the tweets of am African or Caribbean saying black Americans you respond as if they say 'All'. The bottom line is we are black and we are all from different cultures. Culture differences are good for humans in general because knowledge is an important part of human growth. An interconnection of ideas/Cultures gives us a boost through evolution. I have Panamanians, africans, African Americans, Dominicans, Jamaicans, st. Kitts, I'm sure I'm missing a few, family members. I've never heard none of that shit until Kingthafag brought that fba shit to the board and he did that when Trump first ran. Prior to that the board would've destroyed him if he had tried to push that divisive shit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
interesting, bu very revealing
make of It what u will.. some ppl want to be the victim & victor all at once,
u would think ppl who want to delineate so bad but cant stop talking about how they detest Africans & how Africans r subhumans & beneath them etc etc all day !
but carry on

then these

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
and remember when they try to tell u the word "TETHER" is only about African immigrants who stand in the way of their reparations,
can someone tell me what did any of the ppl Arnez joked about do or say against "reparations" including his colleague whom he mocked in a dehumanizing fashion?
what makes any of the ppl Arnez joked about a "TEHER"?



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
One being led by a guy that's married to what he got his cult despising. :smh:
jussayin.. everybody else's mulatto is a "Tether" but his wife& mother in law who lives in his house & get fed & clothed off of of FBA ADOS donations & even the Haitans "christian mission" donations...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yes. How does it feel to have a person living rent free in your head for 4 years and 136 pages later
How does it feel being exposed by the ppl u strongly want to dehumanize ,? u wanted a safe space to push ur YTsupremacist antiblack AntiAfrican ideology and mad that ppl won’t go along with ur agenda!
If anybody is living rent free it’s the fba ados cultists who can’t go a day w/o spewing their hate & bile about black Immigrants and Africans ! U just mad that decent ppl r catching on n won’t take up ur hateful identity or ideology ! Cry more hoe !


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How does it feel being exposed by the ppl u strongly want to dehumanize ,? u wanted a safe space to push ur YTsupremacist antiblack AntiAfrican ideology and mad that ppl won’t go along with ur agenda!
If anybody is living rent free it’s the fba ados cultists who can’t go a day w/o spewing their hate & bile about black Immigrants and Africans ! U just mad that decent ppl r catching on n won’t take up ur hateful identity or ideology ! Cry more hoe !
You didn’t answer the question


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You didn’t answer the question
There’s ur answer again

How does it feel being exposed by the ppl u strongly want to dehumanize ,? u wanted a safe space to push ur YTsupremacist antiblack AntiAfrican ideology and mad that ppl won’t go along with ur agenda!
If anybody is living rent free it’s the fba ados cultists who can’t go a day w/o spewing their hate & bile about black Immigrants and Africans ! U just mad that decent ppl r catching on n won’t take up ur hateful identity or ideology ! Cry more hoe !


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There’s ur answer again

How does it feel being exposed by the ppl u strongly want to dehumanize ,? u wanted a safe space to push ur YTsupremacist antiblack AntiAfrican ideology and mad that ppl won’t go along with ur agenda!
If anybody is living rent free it’s the fba ados cultists who can’t go a day w/o spewing their hate & bile about black Immigrants and Africans ! U just mad that decent ppl r catching on n won’t take up ur hateful identity or ideology ! Cry more hoe !
That’s not an answer


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Another one of bussyriqs soldiers getting exposed by the Tranny that Bussyriq hosted a space with !
He/she already outed imprisoned FBA foot soldier SirMaejor who is in jail for stealing BLM money n impersonating a cop !
