UPDATE: Tariq Nasheed pushed for $7Mil for Hidden History Museum; FBA is 1000% officially a cult via new Religion, “MOJAURA”


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Enough of the fake nicca shit people be posting in here because they butt hurt and got snapped on. Now for the real.

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man I’m staying out of this thread. I just learned so much shit today about africa and tribalism till the point i realized that shit is permanent.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man I’m staying out of this thread. I just learned so much shit today about africa and tribalism till the point i realized that shit is permanent.


Can't make this shit up...

Probably been posted before but wasn’t sure


@footloose is always absent from the conversations about all these things happening in America ( things that Africans /black immigrants aren't the architects of or have anything to do with ) but somehow he always revert to talking about Africa and Africans all the way in Africa, who dont even know u exist, who u claim not to think about becos there obviously so beneath u, who dont affect ur life or live in ur white masters america, who dont make laws that affect u , who arent taking those "black jobs" u cry about,

the biggest opponents of FBA online are all BlackAmericans "Taharka Bey" & "Brandon PAstrikesback" the 2 pl who have taken him to court & "CharlestonWhite" who hes scared to talk about & claims are all irrelevant even tho white has a huge following but tariq will ignore them to go make a whole1hr video totally about some irrelevant nameless faceless random black immigrant with 80followers but not Taharka or random or def not CharlestonWhite with 100k followers+.. ..

@footloose refuses to address & avoids responding to any of them or any of these posts from other black americans but somehow he always resorts to talk about Africans in Africa & black immigrants ..

maybe this movement aint the Reparations talk u claim this was all about.. hmmm
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
We learned you are an idiot.
he wants to spew their regular scripted FBA ADOS antiAfrican AntiBlack rhetoric on a thread about Black America & Tarik nashit ! somehow its always comes down to shittin on Africa & black immigrants even when theres no correlation with what black ppl r experiencing here in usa, his focus somehow is always on Africans who r thousands miles away uninvolved in anything that -vely affect black america .. its the red meat for his base becos he cant directly deal with the issues in front of him, he knows he can get his cultists to deflect the convo if he can speak derisively about africa


Rising Star
OG Investor
he wants to spew their regular scripted FBA ADOS antiAfrican AntiBlack rhetoric on a thread about Black America & Tarik nashit ! somehow its always comes down to shittin on Africa & black immigrants even when theres no correlation with what black ppl r experiencing here in usa, his focus somehow is always on Africans who r thousands miles away uninvolved in anything that -vely affect black america .. its the red meat for his base becos he cant directly deal with the issues in front of him, he knows he can get his cultists to deflect the convo if he can speak derisively about africa
Welcome back.

Tariq is the voice of the black version of poor white trash/trailer park mofos. People like footloose, Mrfreddygoodbud, Vaiz4hustlaz, soul on Ice, Heavenlywings77, ados, fba, etc never had shit and will never be shit. This is their way of venting their frustration. They are too bitch made to go against white folk and too bitch made to say the shit they type online, offline.
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A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
Welcome back.

Tariq is the voice of the black version of poor white trash/trailer park mofos. People like footloose, Mrfreddygoodbud, Vaiz4hustlaz, soul on Ice, Heavenlywings77, ados, fba, etc never had shit and will never be shit. This is their way of venting their frustration. They are too bitch made to go against white folk and too bitch made to say the shit they type online, iffline.
They went from begging for reparations & tangibles to calling ICE on people. This shit is pathetic and funny. Tariq got paid, and they got got.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Welcome back.

Tariq is the voice of the black version of poor white trash/trailer park mofos. People like footloose, Mrfreddygoodbud, Vaiz4hustlaz, soul on Ice, Heavenlywings77, ados, fba, etc never had shit and will never be shit. This is their way of venting their frustration. They are too bitch made to go against white folk and too bitch made to say the shit they type online, offline.
salute my good brother!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
1 lady called Tariq an activist, lol. That must be her joke for today. They fail to realize that FBA is nothing but an online semi movement. You will never find Tariq doing activist work on the ground.
Nah. Activist means to “activate”. He for sure does that. Both positive and negative.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Wow! WTF??

Coon couldn’t even hire a lawyer from Howard or NC Central.

Nasty work FBA

"I've never attended, or been to an HBCU campus, but I heard a rumor that the students are mostly DEI immigrants, and well, White lawyers are NOT DEI immigrants!!"

"Last I checked, DEI hires may have crashed a plane or two, so don't ever question my non-DEI legal team, ya dig?!!"
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