UPDATE: Tariq Nasheed pushed for $7Mil for Hidden History Museum; FBA is 1000% officially a cult via new Religion, “MOJAURA”


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
love the dude or hate the dude
if you believes he helps or he's a scammer
60 pages about one man is lunacy fellas
this ninja is not even an C or D list celeb
let this thread die...this is lame on all parts


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Now Joe Rogan is pushing this shit. Tariq is making an ass out of black folk.

he ain’t wrong. It’s a lot more where that came from. We probably just scratching the surface.
Gene barge. Chess records


And the link to it all. Pigmeat who happened to be from South Carolina and moved to guess where??? The Bronx. And performed this every week at the Apollo in the 60s

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Rising Star

footloose + Soul On Ice =



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
People need to defend their daddy?

40 pages alone is footloose.

I mean now we're just changing the subject matter replying to each other which now you have to put an asterisks to the page count 60*. It got to the point that nothing new was getting updated so the thread should die. But then cats get trolled (myself included) and kept the thread going or it was a slow day on Tariq's social media so cats would post him buying a car and folks start in: 'HE DIDN'T BUY IT FROM A BLACK OWNED DEALERSHIP!!!!' The thread needs to die, I get it I am contributing against to what I am suggesting. Like the post however you want but you don't need to reply.


BGOL Investor
I mean now we're just changing the subject matter replying to each other which now you have to put an asterisks to the page count 60*. It got to the point that nothing new was getting updated so the thread should die. But then cats get trolled (myself included) and kept the thread going or it was a slow day on Tariq's social media so cats would post him buying a car and folks start in: 'HE DIDN'T BUY IT FROM A BLACK OWNED DEALERSHIP!!!!' The thread needs to die, I get it I am contributing against to what I am suggesting. Like the post however you want but you don't need to reply.

Why does the thread need to die? The shit is hilarious. Like watching Trump supporters - they'll defend anything their master does because they think it benefits them.
Tariq is an agent being paid to divide black people in America. Any movement started (ADOS) he walks in and dismantles (FBA). Any political movement he sees being backed and supported by other blacks, he disrupts and plants distention.

So watching people conned by him in these threads and make a million excuses and do his "foot work" for him is comedy gold and sad at the same time.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
First major outlet to report this woman’s name to allow people to call for her arrest. Might be the only one. I don’t think Roland Martin ever even reported this woman’s name.

he did, once it was confirmed who the woman was. I know y'all hate on Roland, but he's always reports on stuff like this.

If it's a little late, its usually him trying to make sure his facts are straight before he talks about that.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Shit if you were to combine all the other " Fuck Tariq" threads together including this one it would be well over 100+ pages


BGOL Patreon Investor
How old are u nicca

This is the stupidest most self-hating shit I've seen all week.

THAT'S the mentality of Tariq's followers?

And how dumb and sheeplike they sound calling African people "tethers" like their dumb ass guru.

In order to be an FBA, they'd have to descended from the same continent as the people they're stupidly scapegoating- like good slaves to their white far-right wings massas who regurgitate the same rhetoric.

He's got the nerve to have Malcolm X featured in his struggle museum/comedy stage/nightclub.

Malcolm X, the pan-africanist, would consider Tariq to be an asshole and a sellout.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is the stupidest most self-hating shit I've seen all week.

THAT'S the mentality of Tariq's followers?

And how dumb and sheeplike they sound calling African people "tethers" like their dumb ass guru.

In order to be an FBA, they'd have to descended from the same continent as the people they're stupidly scapegoating- like good slaves to their white far-right wings massas who regurgitate the same rhetoric.

He's got the nerve to have Malcolm X featured in his struggle museum/comedy stage/nightclub.

Malcolm X, the pan-africanist, would consider Tariq to be an asshole and a sellout.
Well actually Malcolm x believed an eye for an eye.
And that statement referred to those that talk trash about black Americans. So basically you would be talking trash back.


BGOL Patreon Investor
Malcom x's mother was from Grenada. You'd consider him a "tether". Ya'll dumbasses quoting the same people you say you don't want here.
Exactly. This bandwagon jumper missed the whole last part of Malcolm's life where he formed a Pan-African organization, the OAAU, with African leaders to address the correlation between Black Americans enslavement and terrorization by whites and the colonization of Africa by whites and - which was instrumental in his assassination.
:roflmao2: :roflmao2:

"You neegas have no kulture nor history of where you came from who's birthday is listed as 1/1/19xx "
- A tether who passes their history down through oral story telling

Are you not descended from enslaved Africans? You are mocking an ancient cultural tradition that you appear to know little about that happens to be part of your own heritage via your ancestors. Why does being pro-reparations mean you all being anti-Black folks abroad? You pro Tariq guys have spent 95% of your negativity in this thread directed at other folks with your skin color rather than at whites who have over centuries proven and currently prove themselves to be enemies of all of us.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Malcom x's mother was from Grenada. You'd consider him a "tether". Ya'll dumbasses quoting the same people you say you don't want
Your dumb ass ain’t figure out what a tether is yet huh.
Tezlyn figaro. Father. Puerto Rican. Mother fba.
On code. Not a coon. Therefore not a tether. At a reparations rally. So no Malcolm is not a tether you dumbass. Malcolm even had a speech about coons. The “house negro”.
Quoted from Malcolm x “But there's another kind of Black man on the scene. If you say you're in trouble, he says, "Yes, you're in trouble." [Laughter] He doesn't identify himself with your plight whatsoever.”
So no. Malcolm would be bombing on these tethers. Cause he ain’t like tethers either.

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