UPDATE: Tariq Nasheed pushed for $7Mil for Hidden History Museum; FBA is 1000% officially a cult via new Religion, “MOJAURA”


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's not about the day one's. It's about how they are being steered.

This is all based off just watching the trailer.
Watching the whole thing could change my vibes.
Oh really, let me watch it again. What’s the time stamp of where the steering occurred I must of missed it.
And from what I understand they also include old video footage that backs all this up which kinda solidifies what they are saying. But maybe I’m wrong. What’s the time stamp?

My guess. He got no answer for this.
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Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
Yes, this tweet is STILL UP!:roflmao2:

And just in case he deletes the shit.


It looks like the pimp is going to have to break off some bread to these pesky tethers.



Rising Star
OG Investor
These are the weirdos that Bussyrique attracts.

Tariq is King of the Grifters everyone else latch on in hopes of eating off his grift. What does who invented HIP Hop have to do with reparations? Look at the low level grifters here on BGOL. The only reason they hug Tariq's nuts so tight is hopes they will capitalize on the reparations grift.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is one of Tariq’s top soldiers. :roflmao3:

"Invent" isn't the right word to use. Taking elements that were already popular amongst the same people and putting them in the same group is not a person that "invents". Thomas Edison didn't invent electricity, Harnessing and giving use for is not "inventing".


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Tariq does the same hustle.
"Donate to my Museum/video/reparations family!"

Then feeds his wife and kids, goes on vacations and buys tv's with their money.

Using emotion to line his pockets.
He does actually use the donations for what he says he is going to do, museum, videos, games, etc. Keep up the hating but at least keep it factual.