UPDATE: Tariq Nasheed pushed for $7Mil for Hidden History Museum; FBA supports Trump/Vance 2024


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Luke s saying what many in this thread have been saying for years. Tariq is a republican shill being paid by some group to divide blacks. He is the worst grifter out here. Fuck him and all his cheap, unauthorized, bootleg movies. I will say tho, he does not have the following he portrays to have because many people have figured him out. He isn’t worried about microphone check miserably failing because his handlers are paying him well. Little do his handlers know his influence has diminished so badly that he is not worth the “divide “ money they are paying.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If this is really a big problem for that crowd, then why don't they stop whining and run for office themselves?
running for office requires taking responsibility & being adult & facing the reality of the political situation black ppl are in and not living in some fantasy ADOS FBA world that thinks any presidential candidate can just walk into office & write a reparations check
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
ADOS and FBA are two different groups with different ideologies. Just giving a factual statement.
they are pretty much the same, they peddle in the same exact shit, ones just currently more vocal, spewing hateful verbatim ytsupremacist rhetoric antiAfrikan, undercover water carriers for the rightwing and liars


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
they are pretty much the same, they peddle in the same exact shit, ones just currently more vocal, spewing hateful verbatim ytsupremacist rhetoric antiAfrikan, undercover water carriers for the rightwing and liars
Nah. This is white supremacy rhetoric right here. This the problem. Literally


Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
ADOS and FBA are two different groups with different ideologies. Just giving a factual statement.






one that appears to be a copy of an original form : DUPLICATE

a clone of a personal computer


BGOL Investor
Luke s saying what many in this thread have been saying for years. Tariq is a republican shill being paid by some group to divide blacks. He is the worst grifter out here. Fuck him and all his cheap, unauthorized, bootleg movies. I will say tho, he does not have the following he portrays to have because many people have figured him out. He isn’t worried about microphone check miserably failing because his handlers are paying him well. Little do his handlers know his influence has diminished so badly that he is not worth the “divide “ money they are paying.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What made Luke switch up on his daddy trump

What made ur idol go from being a fake PanAfricanist selling OGuN juice n talking about Zbiegnew plan to make sure black ppl globally don’t connect on Breakfast club n showing his pseudo doc in Kenya to now mocking a kid who got shot in the head by a racist and mocking the kids becos the kid is a child of an immigrant African ?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What made ur idol go from being a fake PanAfricanist selling OGuN juice n talking about Zbiegnew plan to make sure black ppl globally don’t connect on Breakfast club n showing his pseudo doc in Kenya to now mocking a kid who got shot in the head by a racist and mocking the kids becos the kid is a child of an immigrant African ?
Idk. What made your idol go from talking against democrats to bootlicking



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Luke s saying what many in this thread have been saying for years. Tariq is a republican shill being paid by some group to divide blacks. He is the worst grifter out here. Fuck him and all his cheap, unauthorized, bootleg movies. I will say tho, he does not have the following he portrays to have because many people have figured him out. He isn’t worried about microphone check miserably failing because his handlers are paying him well. Little do his handlers know his influence has diminished so badly that he is not worth the “divide “ money they are paying.
8 years ago Luke said this. Now he’s anti trump and having a meltdown cause people aren’t caping for democrats. Maybe he is being paid now


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Who started slavery democrats or Republicans?
The democrats started it. The Republican Party was formed to stop expansion of it.
After the civil war Chester Arthur who was from the north (republicans) stole the election from the party of the south (democrats )

Eerily similar to today

Wyatt Earp and the cowboy war on Netflix episode 3 breaks it down.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Yeah I listend last night and it's sad we have this division among our selves.....I said it in the other thread, but the common denominator of all black people is the Melanin in our skin....We could be powerful if we said fuck all this division and let's move together as ONE....
Black people are magical people and not only could we be powerful politically and economically, we could damn near move mountains if we came together as one (shout out to Bobby Hemmitt)....

It's funny, when you go to Africa, they don't ask or label so why do we do it over here??? Granted I do know like in Nigeria people are labled by their tribes, but damn this shit is really sad man....

It's almost to the point where FBA and ADOS are GANGS......But to each it's own I guess.....My history did not start in the United States....

ADOS makes this claim, but I can make the claim that the Gullah Geechie people of SC are more closely associated to slavery than ADOS because of their dialect and how they continue some of the traditions of old.......

I wonder how many ADOS folks have visited the only African village in the USA? Still living in their African traditions?
Oyotunji African Village

Gullah Geechie
