@AmajorfucupYasss sis!
I wanted to attend but it sold out
Did you get yours breh?
LOL @ this line up. These grifts never end.
Same cheap backdrop but these 'rich' B1 clowns are still doing gofundmes.
Daddy would be proud.
LOL @ this line up. These grifts never end.
Same cheap backdrop but these 'rich' B1 clowns are still doing gofundmes.
Daddy would be proud.
LOL @ this line up. These grifts never end.
Same cheap backdrop but these 'rich' B1 clowns are still doing gofundmes.
Daddy would be proud.
LOL @ this line up. These grifts never end.
Same cheap backdrop but these 'rich' B1 clowns are still doing gofundmes.
Daddy would be proud.
Yeah U white people the biggest scammers of allIt’s crazy how these Africans accusing people of scamming and they the number one country in the world for scamming. The world Craig?? Yes the world.
Top 10 Scamming Countries in the World to be aware - Siccura - Private and Secure Digital Life
Do you know Top 10 Most Scamming Countries in the World. Where people attempt to make a quick profit, people are not leaving any chance to pull a scamsiccura.com
There’s an old saying we have. Who ever smelt it dealt it.
I ain’t from those countries though.It’s crazy how these Africans accusing people of scamming and they the number one country in the world for scamming. The world Craig?? Yes the world.
Top 10 Scamming Countries in the World to be aware - Siccura - Private and Secure Digital Life
Do you know Top 10 Most Scamming Countries in the World. Where people attempt to make a quick profit, people are not leaving any chance to pull a scamsiccura.com
There’s an old saying we have. Who ever smelt it dealt it.
Struck a nerve huh. Don’t be mad at me. It’s a carribean that made the damn videoU DEFINITELY A RACIST WHITEBOY
U DEFINITELY A RACIST WHITEBOYStruck a nerve huh. Don’t be mad at me. It’s a carribean that made the damn video
You got to be the dumbest person on bgolU DEFINITELY A RACIST WHITEBOY
Marcus Garvey and w e dubois
You tethers know nothing about this concept.
I call black people coons too. If the shoe fits wear it. Somehow you always got the right size.from an account calling black people "tethers"
Just a quick answer. Was the museum ever built?
It's a juke joint.
Yes. It built by page #3.Just a quick answer. Was the museum ever built?